The benefits for memory and the brain of eating avocado

modern life

A study carried out by the University of Illinois on the effects of daily consumption of avocados on cognitive function in overweight adults, it was observed that those subjects who ate an avocado daily improved their attention span.


The avocado is a fruit that provides vitamins such as A, C, E and B1, and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, that help the human body to function properly, as it contributes to the growth of defenses and helps prevent heart disease. Specifically, avocados contain dietary fiber, healthy fats, and other components that have been associated with good cardiovascular health.

In accordance with the portal your health, being composed of vitamin B and E, it can help in the vitality of the skin because it hydrates it or in the regulation of blood pressure, counteracting high levels of it. In addition, as it contains antioxidants, it can participate in the repair of body cells, including those of the brain.

Neurology specialist Daniel G. Amen, author of the bestseller of the New York Times titled ‘Change your brain, change your life’, considers it one of the best products to keep the brain healthy and prevent diseases.

The World Health Organization (WHO) includes avocado among the sources that should predominate in that maximum of 30% of daily caloric intake that comes from the fats in a healthy diet, along with nuts, olive oil, or fatty fish.

Its consumption can be at breakfast or lunch. Some experts recommend its intake after a workout. For this reason, it can be enjoyed in a salad or without accompaniments.

How to use it to look younger skin?

Avocado is also an ally when it comes to treating stretch marks, and cellulite, for example, because thanks to the fact that it is rich in vitamin C it contributes to the production of collagen -the protein that gives vitality to the skin- counteracting aging or deterioration of skin cells.

Likewise, the entity specifies that these lines can appear and disappear with or without procedures, or perhaps, they will remain forever.

It is important to note that there are different types of stretch marks in which the lines that appear on the buttocks or on the abdomen are found. Others are pink or even blue in color that can cover large areas of the body. Although women are more likely to have them, it must be taken into account that the male gender is not exempt from them.

Another key factor for the appearance of stretch marks is in the state of pregnancy; For this reason, there are many remedies or creams that suddenly promise not to eliminate it, but to reduce it.

Among other causes of the appearance of stretch marks are: weight gain and loss; breast augmentation surgical procedure; Cushing’s syndrome which, according to the US National Library of Medicine MedlinePlus, “is a hormonal disorder” that can be caused by drugs used to treat diseases that cause inflammation.

As mentioned above, avocado is a food that has the ability to hydrate the skin, so its use for the preparation of masks is useful. However, it is recommended to observe if the following recipe does not produce any type of allergic reactions, if so, it is advisable to immediately remove the mixture.

  1. Mash the avocado and add a teaspoon of honey
  2. Apply on the face.

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