The benefits of apples: does eating it daily sing a visit to the doctor?

Apples are among the most consumed fruits in the world. What are the benefits of apples? What happens when you take it daily?

  • Apple benefits: health and beauty

There are more than 7,000 varieties of apples available worldwide, from sweet red varieties such as Fuji or Gala to green varieties such as Granny Smith and more.

The use of apples is not only to be eaten as a fruit, but is also used in sweets, That is, in cakes, for example, or in juices, the most common of which is apple juice, and also in salads and for making jam.

Surely you’ve heard the famous phrase “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, does this fruit really replace the doctor’s visit? What are the apples benefits؟

The benefits and harms of apples

Before talking about the benefits and harms of apples, we first present an introductory card on the nutrients that one apple contains:

Calories: 104
Carbohydrates: 28 grams.
Fiber: 5 gr.
Vitamin C: 10% of the daily value.
Copper: 6% of the daily value.
Potassium: 5% of the daily value.
Vitamin K: 4% of the daily value.
And from 2 to 5% of vitamins E, B1 and B6

apples benefits

  • There are many varieties of apples: the most famous are red, green and yellow
    There are many varieties of apples: the most famous are red, green and yellow

Helps lose weight

Feeling full helps manage appetite as it is known. One study revealed that eating apples helps you feel full for about 4 hours and that it affects your body mass index, the factor associated with the risk of heart disease. The presence of polyphenols in apples may also have an anti-obesity effect.

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Apple…the fruit of the heart

Apples have been linked to helping reduce the risk of infection heart diseaseThe reason is that apples contain soluble fiber that helps lower blood sugar levels.

On the other hand, the presence of flavonoids in apples helps prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure, decreasing oxidation of harmful cholesterol, and reducing atherosclerosis.

Reduced risk of diabetes

  • Polyphenols in apples prevent diabetes
    Polyphenols in apples prevent diabetes

Most of the studies revealed that the apples benefits The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is also reduced by 18%, and apples contain the antioxidant polyphenols quercetin and fluoridzine for this benefit.

This is through the anti-inflammatory substance quercetin, which helps in insulin resistance and is a major risk factor for the onset of diabetes. On the other hand, it is believed that fluoridine reduces the absorption of sugar in the intestine, thus lowering blood sugar levels.

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Promote gut health

Apples contain pectin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic. This means that it feeds the gut bacteria known as protozoa, and these bacteria play an essential role in the health of the body.

Since dietary fiber cannot be digested, the pectin reaches the colon intact, which promotes the growth of good bacteria, especially the two main types, Bacteriodetes to Firmicutes.

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Apples may prevent cancer

Apples contain antioxidants that are beneficial in some types of cancer, such as lung, breast and digestive system cancers. Studies have indicated that these effects are due to the polyphenols found in apples, which work to prevent cancer cells from multiplying.

  • Apples help fight heart disease and cancer cells
    Apples help fight heart disease and cancer cells

On the other hand, the fibers present in apples help to fight cancer, such as pectin fibers, which prevent the proliferation of cancer cells and lead to their death. However, more studies are needed to get a more accurate conclusion of the relationship between the benefits of apples and the fight against cancer.

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Helps fight asthma

Apple peel contains the antioxidant quercetin, which can help regulate immune system and reduce inflammation. Apples can also be effective against the late stages of bronchial asthma responses.

Studies have supported these claims, and confirmed that quercetin may be an appropriate treatment for allergic inflammatory diseases such as asthma and sinusitis.

Helps keep your mind

  • Antioxidants in apples may help protect against dementia
    Antioxidants in apples may help protect against dementia

Research in mice has shown that the antioxidant effects of quercetin may protect the brain and nerves from oxidative damage and help prevent injuries that can lead to brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease anddementia.

Quercetin also helps prevent stress-related nerve damage by regulating signs of oxidative and inflammatory stress. However, more human research is required.

apple damage

damage to tooth enamel

Acid apple leads to damage to tooth enamel If it is eaten in large numbers.

Dentists recommend slicing and chewing the apple with the back teeth and washing the mouth afterward to help remove the acids and sugars.

Gas and bloating occur

One of the harms of eating apples is the occurrence of uncomfortable gases and bloating, especially if you are not used to eating fiber.

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apple benefits for women

Beside apples benefits Mentioned above, apples have additional benefits for women, which is to increase their sexual pleasure. Italian researchers found that apples have the ability to increase sexual arousal in women.

  • The benefits of apples for women and men
    The benefits of apples for women and men

According to the study conducted, daily apple use is associated with higher FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index) scores in sexually active females, which increases their overall sexual function.

Researchers believe that the reason behind sexual stimulation may be because apples contain phloridzin, a key compound that mimics the female sex hormone estradiol, which plays a large role in women. In addition to the presence of polyphenols and antioxidants that help stimulate blood flow to the genitals.

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apple benefits for men

apples benefits The public also has its effects on men. In addition to these benefits, apples help to increase sperm production.

Apple benefits for skin

Can this fruit, famous for its great health benefits, actually benefit the skin? Have skincare companies really started including apples in their products? Here’s the answer.

Some companies like Juice Beauty and Annmarie Gianni have started including apples as an ingredient in their products due to the benefits of apples for the skin. What are these benefits?

Reduce acne

  • Apple seed oil for skin
    Apple seed oil for skin

Some studies conducted in 2018, reported that apples contain citric acid, which helps treat acne, and it can be obtained from Apple cider vinegar.

Maintain skin moisture

Apples contain large amounts of vitamin C, an essential vitamin that helps nourish and moisturize the skin.

UV protection

Apples contain nutrients that help provide protection from the sun’s harsh UV rays. Apples can also be used to treat sunburn and prevent skin peeling from affected areas.

Reduces eye puffiness and dark circles

  • Do not throw away the apple peel: it helps treat puffiness under the eyes
    Do not throw away the apple peel: it helps treat puffiness under the eyes

The skin is the first to be affected by your stressful times, from puffy eyes due to lack of sleep to the appearance of dark circles underneath. Apple peel helps to get rid of puffiness and reduce dark circles by placing the peel under the eyes for 20 minutes.

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apple benefits for hair

The beauty benefits of apples are not only limited to the skin, but also to the hair. Yes, the nutrients contained in apples have many benefits for hair that you may not have known about before.

Eliminate dandruff

Treating dandruff comes after knowing the causes of dandruff. Sun, dirt left on the scalp, certain shampoos, and stress are all causes of dandruff and other scalp problems.

One of the benefits of apples is to treat dandruff using apple seed oil as a moisturizing elixir for dry scalp. In addition, it can be used as a lotion during hair washing to help clean the scalp of dirt.

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Reducing hair loss

  • One of the benefits of apples: Treating hair loss
    One of the benefits of apples: Treating hair loss

One of the benefits of apples is to reduce hair loss. This is because apples contain biotin and B2, two of the most desirable nutrients for maintaining healthy hair. Thus, apple seed oil will help maintain the health of hair, stimulate its growth and strengthen its roots.

Preventing graying of hair

Finding tufts of gray hair is not just limited to the elderly. The visible gray can be overcome by taking advantage of the polyphenols found in apples, which improve the health of hair and increase its natural color.

Benefits of apple before bed

Consumption of carbohydrates to promote sleep

Studies have shown that eating a carbohydrate-rich meal before bed may raise levels of tryptophan, which increases melatonin and serotonin, hormones responsible for promoting sleep.

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Produce melatonin and promote relaxation of the body

Melatonin is the primary driver of good sleep. The brain naturally produces melatonin when it is in the dark, and it helps relax and prepares the body for sleep.

Some studies have shown that you can get melatonin from food sources such as apples. Green apples have lower levels of melatonin: 8.37-17.18 nanograms per gram, while ginkgo apples have higher levels of melatonin, averaging 87.28-105.97 nanograms per gram.

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However, the recommended dose for melatonin is 1-5 mg, and eating 100 grams of apples will provide about 0.0106 mg of it. Therefore, the amount of melatonin in apples likely isn’t high enough to make you sleepy.

Provide Vitamin C

  • Apples provide the required daily amount of vitamin C
    Apples provide the required daily amount of vitamin C

Apples contain 8% of the recommended daily value for vitamin C. This vitamin supports health by fighting free radicals in the body that can lead to significant cell damage.

Research has indicated that inflammation and oxidative stress may harm sleep duration. Thus people with optimal levels of vitamin C had lower levels of inflammation and oxidative stress and got 8 hours of healthy sleep.

Is eating apples on an empty stomach useful?

Apples contain iron, protein and a lot of vitaminsTherefore, doctors recommend eating this fruit on an empty stomach in the morning. When eating apples on an empty stomach, energy remains in the body throughout the day, and offers many other benefits.

Strengthening the body’s immunity

The body’s immunity can be strengthened by eating an apple every morning on an empty stomach. Apples contain vitamin C, protein and other nutrients that increase immunity.

heart health

  • Heart health benefits of apples
    Heart health benefits of apples

Heart health becomes better when eating apples on an empty stomach, as the fiber in apples controls the blood pressure. Apples also contain vitamin C and potassium, which are elements that greatly reduce the risk of heart disease.

reduce swelling

Apples should always be eaten with the peel, and eating it on an empty stomach relieves swelling in the body. Apple peels contain the flavonoid quercetin, which helps reduce inflammation in the body.

How many apples are allowed per day?

On average, a person can eat 1 or 2 apples per day. And if you take more than that, you could be exposed to potential side effects.

apples benefits Multiple health and aesthetics, and include this fruit in the routine your diet is a must. You can get these benefits in many ways either by using apples in foods or using apple seed oil to enjoy on the skin and hair.

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