“The Benefits of Melon: A Nutritious Addition to Your Healthy Diet”

2023-05-24 22:28:48

Fruits are foods that should not be missing from a healthy diet, as they provide vitamins, fiber, minerals and other key nutrients to preserve the health of the body and prevent the development of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and various types of cancer.

One of the many options that consumers have to choose from is melon. This fruit is characterized by its diuretic and antioxidant properties, which help improve fluid retention and prevent premature aging of the skin.

In addition, according to the health portal your healththis fruit is rich in nutrients such as calcium, potassium and fibers that help strengthen bones and teeth, reduce blood pressure and promote weight loss.

Another of its virtues is its high content of beta-carotene and vitamins C and B9. The aforementioned source ensures that with 200 grams of this fruit more than 80% of the daily needs of vitamin C are covered, 30% of those of vitamin B9 or folic acid and 20% of beta-carotene (which in the body is converted into Vitamin A).

One of the benefits attributed to melon is that it is healthy for the liver. Due to its high water content and its contribution of fiber and potassium, melon has a diuretic and slightly laxative action, which helps to eliminate waste from the body, favoring, among other things, liver health.

This is because it helps to release and eliminate toxins from the body, which facilitates the proper functioning of this organ that is part of the digestive system. In addition, because it is a source of vitamin C, this fruit helps fight diseases caused by alcohol, a substance that has a great impact on liver health.

One of the ways to take advantage of its benefits is by mixing it with mint, for which you can make a juice. To the virtues of melon, mint provides its anti-inflammatory benefits, which favors the condition of the aforementioned organ, according to a publication on the Gastrolab portal in Mexico. To prepare the drink the following is required:

  • half melon
  • Six mint or peppermint leaves
  • Ice cubes

More benefits of melon

Since it is low in calories and rich in water, melon is advisable to include in a diet aimed at losing weight. Furthermore, according to your healthcontains fibers that help increase satiety and reduce appetite, preventing the person from overeating.

However, to achieve this goal it is important that its intake is part of a healthy, varied and balanced diet, which includes all the nutrients and vitamins that the body requires to stay healthy.

On the other hand, being rich in antioxidants, this fruit helps prevent premature aging of the skin, helping to keep it firm and healthy. In addition, melon seeds can be used in the form of oil, as they contain omega-6, which promotes renewal and preservation of the skin, and omega-9, which helps protect it and prevent dehydration, says the aforementioned source. .

#consumption #melon #liver

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