the benefits of this fruit to control high blood sugar

Every day, from food, human beings obtain sugars, compounds that are necessary for the body to activate, as they are distributed through the bloodstream to provide people with energy. This is explained by the United States National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus, to indicate why its intake is important.

However, Ideally, it should be within the ranges recommended by health professionals, because when it rises outside these limits it can lead to serious consequences such as diabetes.

In that sense, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is necessary for people to control blood glucose. As indicated from Mayo Clinic, The main thing is to choose foods that contain essential nutrients for the human being, such as minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and water. This means that practically you have to have ingredients from all the food groups in the day.

Undoubtedly, fruits are among the inevitable ones, as they are a source of micronutrients. The orange is part of this family and stands out for its health properties.

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation highlights that this citrus fruit, by its nature, provides a considerable amount of vitamin C, to which multiple qualities are conferred, including its antioxidant action that mitigates damage to the cellular structure.

Among others, the orange contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. It is also a source of vitamins such as folate and vitamin A.

Thanks to this nutritional composition, which also includes fiber, the health portal your health explains that its intake is recommended to keep blood glucose within normal limits, since it facilitates the processing of sugar in the body.

How to consume orange?

The orange can be eaten in its natural state, for this it is enough to wash the fruit well, then peel it and cut it into pieces. Likewise, it can be added to a dish with other fruits, to complement the flavors.

Another way to include the orange in the diet, they explain from the health portal your health, is by using it to prepare a fresh drink, extracting the juice from the fruit and, as far as possible, without adding any additional ingredients, that is, with the mere juice of the orange.

This fruit is a main source of vitamin C. – Foto: Getty Images

It must be specified that its consumption must be previously considered with the health professional, because, like other members of its family, oranges contain fructose or fruit sugar. Thus, its effects can be adverse if it is not integrated as part of a complete eating plan.

Basic care for diabetes patients

The disease can be classified between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, which differ primarily by insulin dependence. Patients with the first type of diabetes must have a supplement of this hormone that helps regulate blood sugar.

For its part, Those with type 2 diabetes should pay attention to certain lifestyle habits that may be having a negative impact on their health. In addition to food, the portal Mayo Clinic suggests that people restrict harmful practices such as alcohol consumption and smoking.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends moderate physical activity to reduce other risk factors such as obesity.

In no way this article replaces the indications of health professionals.

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