The best exercises to increase muscle without lifting weights

Strengthening muscles can be done at home or in the gym and can improve your quality of life and improve your ability to do daily activities, can protect joints from injury, according to the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit organization dedicated to clinical practice, education and research.

So things, Common choices may include: Bodyweight where various exercises can be done with little to no equipment and can be tried with push-ups, push-ups, planks, lunges, and squats.

Additionally, experts recommend that the ideal way to increase muscle mass is to do strength training (with weights) at least three times a week and resting the muscle for at least 24 hours. For example, if the upper body (back, shoulders, arms, abdomen) is trained on Monday, the ideal is for the lower body (legs, buttocks) to be trained on Tuesday; and on Wednesday return to train the upper body, since at rest is the moment in which the muscle recovers from the injury of the exercise and later begins its process of growth and toning.

However, if weights are to be used, it is necessary to tire the muscles after approximately 12 to 15 repetitions.

Regarding exercise, what is recommended by experts are:

  • Squats with elastic band or weights for toned legs and buttocks.
  • Lunge with curl or bicep lunge with elastic band or weights for legs, abdomen and arms.
  • Rowing exercise with elastic band or weights for arms and back.
  • Abdominals to work the core.

In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests engaging in moderate aerobic physical activity for at least 150 to 300 minutes or vigorous aerobic physical activity for at least 75 to 150 minutes, or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous activity over the course of week.

Nevertheless, people wonder what is the best time to exercise and, for this reason, experts say that it is a matter of preference, taste and schedules. The important thing is to meet daily goals.

“Muscle mass is made up of the total set of tissue commonly called muscle. Skeletal muscle is an organ whose fundamental function is to facilitate movement, joint stability and structural protection of our skeleton. This has the ability to expand or bulge, a fact that will depend on the force that we apply to the muscle. The more force, the greater the subject’s muscle mass will be to be able to oppose resistance ”, explained the physical educator Daniel Molina, director of the Muscular Analytics center, in Madrid to the Spanish magazine ¡Hola!

Likewise, exercise must be accompanied by a diet that includes:

  • Lean meats, as they contain 10% fat and are high in protein.
  • Fish, as it is an excellent source of protein and contains good fatty acids such as omega-3
  • Low-fat dairy, because they are a good source of calcium.
  • Eggs, because most of the nutrients that the body needs are in them.
  • Legumes, because they are rich in fiber, low in fat and have a variety of vitamins.
  • Vegetables, since they contribute to the regulation of intestinal transit.
  • Fruits and vegetables, because they provide the body with vitamins and minerals.
  • Whole grain cereals, since they contain more fiber and help to generate fullness and satisfaction.

Similarly, experts recommend drinking at least two liters of water, sleeping eight hours and not skipping any daily meals.

In any case, the information given above in no way replaces medical advice and therefore the first thing to do is consult a health expert so that he or she can guide the process and indicate what is most appropriate for each person. .

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