The best rapper is MC Gey. In the past, he faced overwhelming criticism for mocking obese women –

So he finally got it. MC Gey, whose real name is Jakub Rafael, won Angel for the rap genre for the first time. He won the award for his album About Dad, Who Fell Asleep, which is an unusual personal confession in which he deals with serious topics such as bullying, child abuse and the abuse of women. At the same time, MC Gey himself mocked obese women in his lyrics in the past, for which he caught a large wave of criticism. And even though he stands behind his lyrics, which were exaggeration, he admits that over time he began to feel a little remorseful.

MC Gey is no newcomer to the Anděl Awards. In the past, he received a nomination in the now defunct hip hop category, which he did not change. In 2018, the album Akta X, on which the musician participated, won the prize for the best rap album. However, he did not achieve independent success for many years, that is, until now. The album won him the Golden Angel Statue About the father who fell asleep, which is full of sensitive topics.

“Good evening, this statue belongs first and foremost to me… Of course, to my wife, my children, who are sleeping at home. I made that record myself and actually gave up any competition in rap. I thought I’d make the last record and go for it. And no, she is the most competitive. This award belongs to people like Cato, James Cole, Paulie Garand, our label You Never and others… There has always been war in rap and I’m glad it’s calm now. I’m asking everyone to take care of music, be creative, don’t copy anyone, be honest… Thank you.” said MC Gey in an unusually emotional speech by his standards.

The album, which brought success to the rapper, is significantly different from his previous work. You can tell about MC Gey that he has matured and that the role of a father has changed his view of the world. It was parenthood that forced him to discuss things such as bullying and child abuse on the new record. At the same time, it is a personal confession, from which it follows that the native of Pardubice has doubts about himself. In the past, however, MC Gey did not shy away from controversial lyrics, which often faced harsh criticism.

Criticism for harsh lyrics

Especially with the Rap-Life and Rap-Life: Episode 2 records, he caused quite a stir among some of the public because he often used jokes about fat women. your girl is so fat that when running in place so the planet rotates three times faster” is heard in the song Episode 1. However, MC Gey himself has repeatedly stated that this is an exaggeration and that his lyrics should be taken with a grain of salt. But not everyone made it.

“I performed at some majáles at four o’clock in the afternoon, where mothers with prams looked at me in disbelief and asked themselves what kind of moron I was. I’m not surprised at all, you can’t ask people who don’t normally listen to rap to take your messages seriously overview,” he recalled in an interview for the Aktuálně portal.

McGey regrets some of the lyrics

And although he still stands behind his work, he admits that he has regrets about some of the lyrics. “I definitely don’t want to belittle Rap-Life retroactively, I still stand by it. I knew that I was going to end this era when I was writing the second album. Jbut it’s true that with the birth of my sons, I started to have some regrets. I realized that my messages could be used by children at the elementary school as a bullying tool to make fun of the fat girls in the class, which I hadn’t realized before.” he admitted self-critically. The fact that something has changed for him is evidenced by the new record that brought him Angel.

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