The best ways to quit smoking.. Know about them after the rise in cigarette prices

Recently, a lot of people searched for ways to quit smokingAnd this came after the price of cigarettes increased, after the Winston Company, the producer of cigarettes, announced that the price of all types of cigarettes had been raised to 33 pounds, and that is why we decided to offer you ways to quit smoking with ease.

The best way to quit smoking


Writing is one of the best ways to quit smoking. You can write a paper in a clear and large font containing the reasons why you smoke, and you have to put it in a clear place that you can see constantly, in order to motivate you to stay away from cigarettes.

Relaxation Tricks

One of the strongest causes of smoking is the increase in tension and stress, and in this case you find yourself heading immediately to cigarettes and you cannot resist this feeling at all, and for this you have to help yourself to relax, by following some exercises, including deep breathing or relaxation Muscles, massage, yoga or visualization.

Exploitation of the surrounding environment

You have to tell everyone around you that you are trying to quit smoking, so that they do not offer you to take cigarettes with them, so that you do not become weak, and you have to ask for the support of your friends and family.

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