The buyer of Skagen’s wildest summer house is a female billionaire

It is described as the summer house with perhaps Denmark’s wildest location.


Because in the middle of the beach southwest of Gl. Skagen is home to the storm-swept and spectacular summer house “Fellen”, which until a few years ago was dangerously close to being swallowed by the North Sea.

The summer house has now been sold – with a large discount of millions – and with the help of we can tell who the new owner of Rævehulevej 34 is.

A tragic death

The name is Bettina Antitsch Mortensen.

She is unknown to the general public, but she is an Aarhus lawyer whose now-deceased husband made her one of Denmark’s wealthiest women.

Bettina Antitsch Mortensen was married to the billionaire Michael Mortensen, who in January 2022 – only 49 years old – died of a sudden cardiac arrest during a business trip in Switzerland.

Michael Mortensen, who, among other things, was behind the model house companies Huscompagniet and Hybel, left behind, in addition to his wife and two children, an estimated fortune of almost DKK 3 billion.

Subsequently, Bettina Antitsch Mortensen took over a number of his chairmanships. She also runs her own law firm, and the summer house “Fellen” is not her only property in Skagen.

Bettina Antitsch Mortensen.
PR-photo: M+

Another house a few meters away

She also owns the neighboring property, Rævehulevej 33. It is located behind the sand dunes within walking distance of “Fellen” on a 15,600 m2 natural plot and was bought by the Antitsch Mortensen couple back in 2014 for DKK 6.75 million.

What plans Bettina Antitsch Mortensen has for her newly purchased summer house “Fellen” is yet to be seen.

But it is certain that the 3 million kroner that the house has cost will not be the last money she has to spend on it.

Because “Fellen” with its unique location stands as a ruin that has been heavily affected by both nature and vandalism. Even the gutters have moved down the house, which also cannot fit a single whole window.

They have either been peeled off or smashed.

In 2014 and 2016, several severe storms ravaged the west coast, and Fellen was regarding to lose its connection to Rævehulevej, when the sea tried to surround and swallow the house.
Archive photo: Peter Broen

A lot with a dilapidated building on it

According to the BBR register, the house is 140 square meters with six rooms. The public property assessment in 2020 was DKK 510,000. The base value was DKK 505,500.

– It is not really a house that we have sold, but a plot of land on which there is an old and worn-out building, as estate agent Peter Bøgil from EDC Skagen puts it.

New coastal protection around the house means that there is now regarding 20 meters of beach in front of “Fellen”. According to Peter Bøgil, many potential buyers wanted to move the house further into the plot for fear that it would wash away.

But that cannot be done, as the house is worthy of preservation.

“The trap” was built in the early 1900s. Back then it was behind the dunes on the beach, but the sea has moved closer and closer.

The plot of almost 2000 square meters lies within the coastal protection line, but according to the rules, a summer house can be built that corresponds to the current one.

According to EDC, the new owner, Bettina Antitsch Mortensen, has been granted a temporary permit to keep access to the summer house free.

2024-04-17 12:20:32
#buyer #Skagens #wildest #summer #house #female #billionaire

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