The CECOT is part of the truce with the gangs, there is no work there because the gang members want to be free: Ingrid Escobar 2024-03-07 05:18:53

This Wednesday in the Encuentro interview with Julio Villagrán, the member of Humanitarian Legal Aid, Ingrid Escobar, detailed that 23 months and 1 day after the approval of the Exception Regime, 236 deceased people and two children have been counted, highlighting that until now no Not one person has died in the CECOT, but all have died in prisons such as Izalco, Mariona, among others.

For Escobar, the CECOT is part of a truce between gangs and the Government of Nayib Bukele, where the good practices of people deprived of liberty stipulated by the OAS are carried out.

“Is it the prerogative of a truce in the CECOT?… The CECOT is part of the truce with the gangs and there the gang members want to be comfortable and not overcrowded. Why is the overcrowding in the other prisons?”he questioned.

In this context, the lawyer pointed out that among the worst measures taken by previous governments was the truce with gangs, which was resumed by President Bukele in 2014, together with the mayor of San Salvador, Mario Durán and the director of Reconstruction. of the Social Fabric, Carlos Marroquín.

Given this, he highlighted that on the first day of Bukele’s government, the country went from having between 20 and 30 deaths a day, to having between 3 or 5, data that reveals for Escobar that there is a truce between the current government and the gangs. .

For the lawyer, an example of the truce is “El Crook, a ranflero, a director of the MS13 gang, and he is one of those who gave the orders on March 27, 2022 for the 87 murders, he orders crimes even in USA. Why is what the Government does is open the door to Zacatraz?”he expressed.

Finally, he indicated that some time ago he reported that gang members had been hired in the Legislative Assembly, and that in this case both the president of the legislative plenary session, Ernesto Castro, and the head of the Nuevas Ideas faction are incarcerated since they are the ones who They signed the contracts of these people.

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