The Cheops satellite discovers a planet shaped like a … rugby ball!

An oval planet has been discovered by scientists, thanks to the Cheops satellite, developed by the European space agency.

The Cheops satellite unearthed a planet with a very particular shape, that of a rugby ball! Called WASP-103b, this planet located in the constellation of Hercules obtained this oval shape with the effect of attraction of its star. It is 50 times closer to it than the Earth is to the Sun, and requires about 22 days to go around it (against 365 for the Blue Planet).

At the risk of disappointing Ovalie fans, Man is unlikely to set foot on this planet anytime soon, since it is about 1,800 light years from our solar system (this represents a distance of about 17 029 315 800 000 000 kilometers …). Finally, the size of WASP-103b is estimated to be almost twice that of Jupiter!

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