The Civilization Coordination Authority consists of the identify of His Excellency Zayed within the “He lived right here” mission

2024-05-16 00:00:00

3:00 p.m.

Thursday Could 16, 2024

Cairo – ASA

The Nationwide Group for Cultural Coordination of the Ministry of Tradition included the identify of the late artist, His Excellency Zayed, within the “He Lived Right here” mission, which goals to have fun public figures who influenced the fashionable historical past of Egypt in varied fields.

His Excellency Zayed was born in Cairo. She studied on the College of Artwork Training and graduated in 1975. She beloved drawing and 22 work that she painted earlier than her demise had been displayed in an exhibition on the Mahmoud Mukhtar Museum opened by the Minister of Tradition .

She obtained a level from the Increased Institute of Dramatic Arts, and entered the artwork world after the demise of her mom, the place she was found by director Nour Al-Demerdash, and offered her by way of the sequence La Nuit Promise in 1976. She and director Raafat Al-Mihi fashioned a profitable duo and offered a sequence of an important movies of her inventive profession.

It needs to be famous that the “He Lived Right here” mission goals to doc the buildings and locations by which probably the most well-known artists, filmmakers, writers, musicians, poets, in addition to visible artists and historic figures lived an important, which have contributed to enriching the panorama. cultural and inventive motion in Egypt all through trendy Egyptian historical past.

This mission is carried out in cooperation with inventive authorities and establishments, and people curious about documenting cultural and inventive heritage in Egypt are invited to confirm the data and knowledge collected. This mission is activated by putting an indication on the constructing stating the identify of. the artist who resided within the constructing, and a quick overview of his most necessary works and inventive historical past uploaded to the appliance (QR), which can be utilized by way of good telephones and superior tablets, contributing to make recognized and recognized the historical past of. necessary individuals and buildings all through the Republic.

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