FSB Arrests Ukrainian Spies Planning Explosion in Crimea: Newest Updates and Particulars

2024-05-16 06:59:00

Moscow. Might 16. INTERFAX.RU – The FSB reported {that a} man and a lady born in 1999 and 2000 had been arrested in Crimea, who, based on the intelligence companies, despatched details about the military and gear to the intelligence companies Ukrainians and in addition deliberate an explosion on the railway. tracks.

The explosion was brewing within the Leninsky district, based on a press launch from the FSB Public Relations Middle.

In response to intelligence companies, in October 2023, the detainee was recruited by courier by the Fundamental Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Protection of Ukraine. “Later, the accused concerned his companion in finishing up duties on behalf of the Ukrainian particular companies, with which they photographed and despatched to the enemy the locations of residence of navy personnel, positions of protection techniques Russian air drive, in addition to the coordinates of gas and power complexes on the peninsula,” the FSB reported.

In April 2024, “utilizing the coordinates supplied by the curator, the defendants seized an explosive machine from a cache in Sevastopol, which they tried to put beneath the railway close to the village of Oktyabrskoye, Leninsky district of the Republic of Crimea,” the intelligence companies mentioned. service reviews.

“They had been arrested on the time the crime was dedicated,” the FSB added.

A felony case was initiated towards the detainees beneath Half 1 of Artwork. 30, half 2 artwork. 205 “Terrorist act” and half 3 of Artwork. 222.1 “Unlawful acquisition, switch, sale of explosives or explosive units dedicated by a gaggle of individuals” of the Legal Code. They’re beneath arrest.

“The attackers confessed to their crime and are actively cooperating with the investigation,” notice the intelligence companies.

#FSB #reported #prevention #bombing #railway #tracks #Crimea

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