the CNR calls for the organization of a sovereign national conference in place of the planned national dialogue –

The Coalition for the New Republic (CNR), a grouping of leaders and political parties led by Jean Ping, a former fierce opponent of the fallen regime of Ali Bongo, has, during its political comeback, called for the organization of an inclusive and sovereign instead of the national dialogue planned for next April.

“The President of the transition having declared the death of the majority duo, opposition therefore the current context does not lend itself to a dialogue, because who is facing whom? However, the planned discussions will be carried out by multiple speakers, several themes which give confirmation of a national conference. justified Professor Vincent Moulengui Boukosso, president of the conference of presidents of political parties and associations of a political nature of the CNR.

For the CNR, this national conference is a means not to be missed to restore the dignity of the country; because it sounds like a last chance, it would therefore be very important to take advantage of this incredible opportunity for transition that Gabon is experiencing.

Although determined to support the transition, the CNR nevertheless deplores the acts of violation of articles 39 and 35 of the transition charter, as well as the appointment of full Ministers of the Interior and Defense which would be a maneuver for the President of the Transition, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema “to satisfy his need to run in the future presidential election”.

For the CNR, not everyone involved in the transition should be candidates for the 2025 presidential election. With this in mind, Jean Ping’s platform did not fail to sound the alarm regarding the various nominations of The former Pédégistes have positions of responsibility during this transition and invite those in power to rectify the situation.

Betines Makosso

2024-03-04 13:38:53
#CNR #calls #organization #sovereign #national #conference #place #planned #national #dialogue

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