The controversial phrase of Fernando Burlando, Jey Mammon’s lawyer

Fernando Mocking, lawyer by Jey Mammon toured different television channels to defend your client. Driver is accused of having abused a young man when the victim was a minor.

Yesterday, in his defense, Mammon had slipped the possibility of a “truth trial” to prove his innocence. In that context, Mocking left a controversial phrase when talking about the complaint against Mammon.

“In it gay world there are situations that are lived, that are seen, that everyone, gives the feeling, that they turn their faces away and we do not observe them and that this does not happen, that no kids running around everywhere. So, they question me as if I were responsible for this type of situation, when really you are more responsible than me“said Burlando to El Nueve.

Regarding Mammon’s request, Burlando noted: “Jey’s concern is that the truth be known. it would be nice to make a trial for the truth, as he wants because he categorically denies the facts. He had a relationship with Lucasbut a relationship in which there were relatives who knew that link.

Controversial Chano support for Jey Mammon

After video cast by Jey Mammonwhere he tried to outline a defense in his favor after Lucas Benvenuto’s complaint, surprised the comment left by Chano Charpentier on Instagram, where he sent his solidarity to the driver.

“We believe you friend,” the former leader of “Tan Biónica” put him, and he immediately went viral.

Besides the singer, Jey received the support of Sandra Mihanovichwho wrote “I hug you”, and from the actress Grecia Colmenaresamong a few other celebrities.

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