The Democratic Party’s party committee convened today (6th)… Confirmation of convention rules

The Democratic Party of Korea is planning to hold a party committee meeting today (6th) and finalize the rules for the August National Convention.

Earlier, the Democratic National Convention Preparation Committee held a plenary session on the 4th to ▲ lower the proportion of delegates from 45% to 30%, increase the proportion of general public opinion polls from 10% to 25%, and ▲select candidates for the main election. We have decided on the rules of the National Convention, which include that 70% of party opinion and 30% of public opinion polls in the preliminary primary election.

However, on the same day, the Emergency Response Committee, which is the leader of the party, overturned the decision of the previous level to conduct the preliminary election with 100% party opinion as before.

The non-captain also decided to introduce a ‘region-specific voting system’, in which one person, two votes system, in the supreme council vote, votes one vote for the candidates running in the district to which they belong.

Regarding this non-captaining decision, Ahn Gyu-baek, chairman of the National Convention Preparation Committee, announced his intention to resign, saying, “I did not go through sufficient consultation with the former lieutenant.”

Some lawmakers, led by the pro-Lee Jae-myung-gye, also protested against the non-subrogation decision and urged the decision of the sub-substitution rule by ‘voting all party members’.

In response, Vice Chairman Woo Sang-ho said that he would finalize the rules of the convention after sufficiently collecting opinions from within the party.

Accordingly, today’s Party Affairs Committee is expected to finally finalize the sub-team rules after discussing the original convention rules decided by the non-captain and the amendments that reflect opposing opinions.

[사진 출처 : 연합뉴스]

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