The Essential Role of the Liver in Overall Health: Support and Care Tips for a Hardworking Organ

2024-01-14 12:04:48

What does the liver have to do with the function of the eyes, heart, kidneys, joints or gonads? All of these organs and therefore essential body functions depend on thousands of enzyme systems – and they are built up in the liver. If the human body’s heaviest organ, weighing around 1.5 kilograms, does not work correctly, it has an impact on the entire body. The liver does its best because it works around the clock on all fronts. It filters out unnecessary, i.e. unwanted metabolic products from food, including alcohol and nicotine, and removes them via the kidneys.

At the same time, the liver stores energy reserves and vitamins, is responsible for the production of blood proteins, bile and thus fat digestion, as well as defense and coagulation substances, enzyme production and more. The liver is a super organ and a workaholic at the same time that deserves to be treated with care. So what can you do for your liver?

Well, she’ll be grateful if she’s not constantly “bothered” by alcohol, nicotine, sweets and bad fats. However, there are foods that support her, such as oatmeal and lentils. They contain zinc, which helps her regenerate. Helpful Also include chicory, chard, endive and radishes. Their bitter substances stimulate liver activity.

However, the cynarin contained in artichokes has a protective effect. The good old liver wrap is also always discussed. How healing the home remedy actually is has been and is being scientifically researched. It is confirmed that this promotes blood circulation in the organ and ensures that undesirable substances are eliminated more quickly. It will now be investigated whether serial wrap applications could be relevant in liver cirrhosis. A study is currently underway at the Berlin Charité that is testing whether liver wraps also help with exhaustion (fatigue). You can look forward to the result. In the meantime, one thing continues to work tirelessly: the liver.

#good #liver

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