The European Union bets on a new global approach to mental health

2023-06-15 14:56:01

On 7th June the European Commission published a communication on the global approach to mental health. With 20 flagship initiatives and EU funding from different financial instruments worth €1.23 billion, the Commission will support Member States by putting people and their mental health first. “A business that does not have a healthy workforce cannot realize its productivity potential so there is both a social and economic imperative to tackle this growing trend. Our mental health at work is just as important as our physical healthrecalled Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights.

“The cost of inaction on mental health is significant and is expected to increase, given the global challenges of social, political and environmental change, increasing digitalization, economic pressures and sweeping market changes. work “.

In fact, EU action on mental health will be built around three guiding principles:
– adequate and effective prevention;
– access to quality and affordable mental health care and treatment;
– reintegration into society after recovery.

« La santé mentale est aussi importante pour notre bien-être que la santé physique. Les citoyens l’ont rappelé une nouvelle fois lors de la conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe. Aujourd’hui, nous prenons une mesure majeure pour soutenir la santé mentale en Europe, pour les plus vulnérables, notamment pour les personnes et les enfants fuyant l’Ukraine, qui doivent surmonter des expériences terribles. Notre approche européenne, la première du genre, met la santé mentale sur un pied d’égalité avec la santé physique et décrit tout ce que nous faisons pour que le soutien soit accessible et abordable pour tous ceux qui en ont besoin ».
Ursula von der Leyen, Présidente de la Commission européenne - 07/06/2023

This comprehensive approach addresses the issue of mental health in all policies in order to recognize the multiple risk factors for mental illness. Under this approach, concrete actions should cover a wide range of policies and will include efforts to:
Promote good mental health through prevention and early detection, in particular through a European initiative for the prevention of depression and suicide, a European mental health code and the strengthening of health research cerebral.
Invest in training and capacity building that emphasize mental health in all policies and improve access to treatment and care. Actions will include training and exchange programs for professionals and technical support for nationwide mental health reforms.
Ensuring good mental health at work raising awareness and improving prevention. This will be done, for example, through EU-wide awareness campaigns by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and a possible future initiative of the EU on psychosocial risks at work.
Protect children and young people during their most vulnerable and formative years, amid growing pressures and challenges. Measures include a mental health network for children and young people, a prevention toolkit for children covering the main determinants of mental and physical health, and better protection online and on social media. .
Meeting the needs of vulnerable groups providing targeted support to those most in need, such as the elderly, people in difficult economic or social situations and migrant/refugee populations. Particular attention is given to populations affected by the conflicts, in particular those displaced from Ukraine (especially children) and children who have remained in Ukraine and are traumatized by the war.
Lead by example internationally by raising awareness and providing quality mental health support in humanitarian emergencies.

« La santé, cela comprend la santé mentale et il ne peut y avoir d’union européenne de la santé sans un accès égal et en temps utile à la prévention, au traitement et à la prise en charge de la santé mentale de tous. Aujourd’hui nous prenons un nouveau départ vers une approche globale de la santé mentale, axée sur la prévention et une conception multipartite à l'échelle de l’UE. Nous devons mettre un terme à la stigmatisation et à la discrimination afin que ceux qui en ont besoin puissent demander et recevoir l’aide dont ils ont besoin. On a le droit de ne pas aller bien, et il nous incombe de veiller à ce que toute personne demandant de l’aide y ait accès ».
Stella Kyriakides, commissaire à la santé et à la sécurité alimentaire - 07/06/2023

• European Commission, Brussels 7 June 2023, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on a comprehensive approach to mental health.

• To read – Health overview: Europe 2022

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