The famous Colombian presenter opened her heart and confessed that she has cancer


The businesswoman also assured that she could not believe that this disease had been detected in her.


Vanessa Navarro, one of the most recognized presenters of telesales in Colombia, surprised all her followers this week and confirmed that she was recently diagnosed with skin cancer.

Through his personal Instagram account, The businesswoman shared a heartfelt video and assured that this disease affected two parts of her body, the face and the abdomen. He also admitted that he was left in shock when they confirmed the medical report.

“Sometimes we think that statistics only apply to other people. That 3% or 10% probability we almost never include yourself (I’m speaking for myself) and then you realize that it is likely that you are part of that percentage ”, initially assured.

The communicator, in the same way, stated that it all started when a kind of wart appeared on the upper part of her lip, for which her primary dermatologist decided to perform a biopsy.

Despite the fact that she takes great care of herself, the Colombian emphasized that a few years ago she abused artificial tanning, since she constantly attended this type of cameras so that her skin could be seen well golden.

“Some time ago it came out as a kind of wart, I went to the dermatologist and he found after doing a biopsy that I had skin cancer, of course I was in ‘shock’. My God, skin cancer, I am a person who does not tan, who flees from the sun, who protects himself a lot. It kind of didn’t make much sense to me.”he added.

In addition, he specified: “20 years ago, it seemed very cool to me to be golden, to be tanned, and that’s why I started going to tanning beds. That was exactly in 2000. During that year I could have gone 15 or 20 times, I forgot about it and never went back to the tanning beds. I became very aware of the damage that the sun does and I began to take care of myself”.

Navarro invited his followers to become aware of these types of issues to prevent any serious illness and finally stressed that he is currently in good health.

“In the end, my recommendation is that you think about it a lot before exposing yourself to tanning rooms, especially my younger followers because they have a life ahead of them and they think that this is not going to happen to them, and that they protect themselves with sunscreen at all times ”he concluded.

What does skin cancer look like?

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting the population. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that between two and three million cases of skin cancer occur each year worldwide.

The American Academy of Dermatology He assured that there are four types of skin cancer that are differentiated by the symptoms and the appearance that appears when the disease is diagnosed: Actinic Keratosis, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma.

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