the fighting game with the Ninja Turtles arrives on Android

The TMNT game Shredder’s Revenge, which features Ninja Turtles, was released last year on consoles and PC. Today, it arrives on Android thanks to Netflix. If you are subscribed to the platform, you can download it at no additional cost.

TMNT Shredder’s Revenge is a game from the French studio DotEmu which was released in June 2022 on consoles and pc. It is now available on Android and you can download it now. Small peculiarity, it is distributed by Netflix.

Netflix has been developing its video game section more and more lately. Last month, the platform promised to release a whole bunch of strong titles on Android during the year, such as Kentucky Route Zero, 12 minutes or even this Shredder’s Revenge. Here is which is done.

TMNT Shredder’s Revenge, an old-school fighting game

Like all Netflix games, this Shredder’s Revenge is available at no additional cost if you are a subscriber to the platform. More so, there are no in-app purchases or even ads. It’s the title as it is, as if you bought it the classic way. The first download is 256 MB, then on the first launch you have to download 1.5 GB on your phone. The title is not graphically greedy and can work on “small” configs. It indeed adopts Pixel Art graphics in homage to the 16-Bit era. In terms of controls, we obviously have touch buttons, but it is advisable to connect a controller in order to have better responsiveness.

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TMNT Shredder’s Revenge is what we call a beat them all. This is a tribute to the old fighting game Turtles In Time, released in 1991. At the beginning of each game, you choose your favorite character and then travel through New York and settle their score with the Foot clan. Other characters, such as April O’Neil, Splinter or Casey Jones are also available. Interestingly, TMNT Shredder’s Revenge is multi-player online.

In total, Netflix now offers around fifty games on Android, ranging from the adaptation of Strangers Things to more prestigious titles like this TMNT.

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