The form for deferment from partial mobilization will appear on “Gosuslugi”, September 26, 2022 – September 26, 2022

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Digital Development intends to open a form for submitting a list of employees of IT companies who are entitled to a deferment from partial mobilization at Gosuslugakh. This was announced on September 26 by the head of the department, Maksut Shadayev.

“Tomorrow we will open the draft exemption application form… There is a lot of data there. To speed up the process, we believe that the employee will enter this data exactly correctly, and we will not lose time while the personnel services collect this information, ”he said at an online conference (quoted from RIA Novosti).

Now there are 75 specialties that are subject to deferment from military service, however, as Shadayev explained, this list is narrow enough to satisfy the companies. According to him, the Ministry of Digital Development will already today approve an approximate recommended list of IT specialties subject to deferment.

“We tried to summarize the specialties, the list will be large. But if suddenly you did not find your specialty, you can add it in the form, but at your own risk, because if they are not in our order, then, unfortunately, this is not a guarantee, ”he added.

To receive a deferment, a specialist at the time of the call must work in organizations accredited by the Ministry of Digital Development and have a higher education, however, “there is no canonical list that would say that these specialties are related to IT,” Shadayev emphasized.

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