The fruit to lose weight, prevent cancer, control diabetes and cholesterol

Losing weight is the desire of many people and for this reason they look for quick recipes and diets to lose a few kilos in a short time, but it must be clarified that, in order to lose weight in a healthy way, you have to be patient and make changes in your eating habits.

That being said, One of the changes is in the diet and the recommendation is to have a caloric deficit (consuming fewer calories than the body consumes on a daily basis). In addition, to this must be added that it is advisable to exercise constantly.

For its part, it is valid to mention that preventing cancer in its entirety is not possible, but the chances of bad cells multiplying irregularly can be reduced, since genetic, nutritional and/or unhealthy activities influence his appearance.

Although the signs of this disease depend on the type of cancer that develops, there are some common ones such as nausea, fatigue and weight loss, among others.

As for diabetes, this is a disease with which blood sugar levels rise, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia.

Likewise, the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that there are several types of diabetes: type 2 diabetes mellitus, which is caused by the body not using the insulin it produces efficiently; and type 1 diabetes mellitus, which is characterized by poor insulin production.

And, cholesterol is a waxy substance that the body requires for good health, but in the right amounts. When its levels rise, deposits can build up in the arteries, putting heart health at risk, according to the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

As mentioned, the portal your health notes that Jabuticaba, a fruit of Brazilian origin, helps to lose weight because it contains a nutrient called pectin, which controls hunger throughout the day. In addition, because it is rich in quercetin, anthocyanins and tannins, it reduces the chances of suffering from cancer.

Also, because it contains fiber it helps reduce sugar levels and prevents diabetes. Also, the same fiber decreases the absorption of fats from ingested food, which reduces bad cholesterol.

Factors that influence a person to have high cholesterol:

1. Eating habits

According to the Mayo Clinic, the consumption of saturated fats and trans fats, as well as red meats, whole dairy, can be main factors for cholesterol levels in the body to increase.

2. Sedentary lifestyle

This is one of the main reasons why bad cholesterol increases in the arteries, inactivity reduces the body’s ability to transform fat into energyso this leads to its retention.

3. Overweight

People who are overweight and obese are more likely to have high blood cholesterol levels. This is because the accumulation of fat in the body could decrease the ability to remove this lipid from the arteries.

4. Stress

Not handling episodes of stress properly can become a potential cause of high cholesterol. In addition, this affects emotional health, this can have negative effects on the processes that help the body to remove lipid from the arteries.

5. Alcohol consumption

The excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is a factor that is associated with the risk of hypercholesterolemia, since its toxins affect the functioning of the heart and liver.

6. Family history

Genetics is undeniable, a person whose relatives have suffered from this disorder have a higher risk of suffering from it at some point in their lives.

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