The green leaf actress breast cancer cell spread and passed away at the age of 54

2023-05-24 07:11:59

▲ “Naked Lamb” Hong Kong star Wen Yuhong died of breast cancer. (Picture / Recap from TVB official Weibo)

[NOWnews今日新聞]Hong Kong veteran actress Wen Yuhong is a well-known TVB green leaf actor. She became popular with the role of “Lu Bingbing” in “Criminal Investigation Files III” broadcast in 1997. She has participated in nearly a hundred Hong Kong dramas and also acted in the classic Hong Kong film “The Naked Lamb”. Suffered from breast cancer in 2005. After undergoing breast reconstruction surgery, he was optimistic and actively fought the cancer, and his condition was once under control. Unexpectedly, his condition took a sharp turn for the worse recently. It was reported today (24) that he passed away at the age of 54.

When Wen Yuhong was diagnosed with breast cancer, the cancer cells had spread to the lymph, and the tumor was 11 cm long. After 6 rounds of chemotherapy, she endured severe weight loss, vomiting, hair loss, numbness of hands and feet and other sequelae. Unexpectedly, her condition suddenly deteriorated a few months ago, and the cancer cells spread throughout her body. On the 19th, the treatment failed and she passed away.

▲▼溫裕紅演過多部膾炙人口的港劇,效力TVB 23年。(圖/翻攝自TVB官方微博)

▲▼Wen Yuhong has acted in many popular Hong Kong dramas and has played for TVB for 23 years. (Picture / Recap from TVB official Weibo)

The well-known works of Wen Yuhong’s acting career include “Wishing for Mom…”, “Love Going Home (Part 1)”, “Benevolence Decoding II” and “Three Women, One Cause” and other dramas. He once acted in the movie “The Naked Lamb” with Qiu Shuzhen and Ren Dahua. In 2020, because he was dissatisfied with the salary cut in half and the incidental clauses, he terminated the contract with the brokerage company he had been with for 23 years. My friend climbed the mountain to strengthen his body and increase his immunity, but he still couldn’t survive the difficulty.

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