The Health Benefits of Reducing Sugar Intake: From Weight Loss to Heart Health

2024-01-20 08:25:55

Sugar can be part of a healthy, balanced diet. However, eating too much causes health imbalance. All foods containing carbohydrates are broken down into sugar by the body for use as energy. That’s why it’s incredibly difficult to eliminate all sugar from your diet, but it’s smart to focus on reducing your intake of added sugars. If you have been eating a high-sugar diet, you will experience significant withdrawal symptoms. It is better to reduce sugar intake gradually rather than suddenly eliminating it.

1) Blood sugar and metabolic health improves

Consuming sugar too often causes your blood sugar to spike, causing your pancreas to secrete insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps lower blood sugar levels to the normal range. However, chronic high sugar intake causes our body to secrete a lot of insulin, which can lead to insulin resistance. This is a condition in which cells do not respond well to insulin. Insulin resistance significantly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

2) You may feel worse temporarily

When you first reduce sugar in your diet, you may feel irritable. Sugar consumption can affect levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, and reducing sugar intake can temporarily upset this balance. Therefore, eliminating sugar can potentially lead to withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, or mood swings.

3) Can lower the risk of heart disease

It is known that consuming more than 20% of the calories we consume from added sugar is closely related to heart disease. Along with cholesterol, our bodies produce substances called triglycerides, which ‘cloudy’ the blood and can lead to a variety of other related problems. Triglycerides are a storage form of excess sugar, so blocking sugar can reduce triglyceride levels.

4) You can lose weight

Sugary foods and drinks are high in calories but low in nutritional value and low in fiber, making it easy to overconsume them. Sugar added to drinks is not as satisfying as a meal and can easily lead to overeating. Reducing sugar in your diet will naturally reduce your overall calorie intake, and reducing calories can potentially lead to weight loss. Over time, cutting back on sugar can help with long-term dietary stability by reducing your body’s dependence on sugar for energy.

5) Can reduce inflammation levels

Consuming sugar too frequently has been linked to increased levels of inflammation throughout the body, which can contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, and even certain cancers. Lowering your sugar intake can reduce chronic inflammation levels, potentially reducing your risk of these chronic diseases.

6) You may experience helplessness at first

It’s common to feel tired or lethargic when you first quit sweets, as your body may initially struggle to make energy without your daily sugar intake. But by eliminating sugar, you can ultimately maintain more stable blood sugar levels.

7) Your skin can become brighter

Sugar can cause inflammation and worsen skin conditions such as acne. Sugar can also cause your skin to age faster. This is because sugar molecules stick to the skin’s proteins, causing it to lose elasticity and form wrinkles. Reducing your sugar intake can clear your skin and slow the aging process associated with inflammation and glycation.

8) Gut health and immunity may improve

The intestines don’t like sugar. A high-sugar diet can cause intestinal bacterial imbalance, promoting the growth of yeast and pathogenic bacteria such as Candida. Additionally, this imbalance can interfere with digestion and absorption, leading to a variety of digestive problems.

9) You will sleep better

Sugar intake can affect the production and regulation of hormones such as serotonin and melatonin, which play an important role in regulating sleep. In a 2016 study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, researchers found that people who consumed a high-sugar diet experienced restlessness and less restorative sleep. This was because consuming a lot of sugar could increase the likelihood of nocturnal awakenings.

10) Improves oral health

When bacteria in your mouth come into contact with sugar, they produce acids that can eat away the enamel of your teeth. Not only does this increase the risk of cavities, but it also increases the risk of developing gum disease. Quitting sugar can significantly lower your risk of cavities and gum disease, which can benefit your overall oral health.

※This is an online article from Weekly Chosun.

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