The History and Future of Heat Waves: From 1901 to 2018 and Beyond

2023-06-12 15:34:06

The longest heat wave since 1901 dates from 1947 and lasted 19 days from August 10 to 28. The 1976 heat wave lasted 17 days.

According to weather model projections, the temperature should not drop below 25°C before June 27. And it’s not because a colder air mass is expected that day. It’s simply because we don’t yet have a projection of weather models today…

This would therefore make a minimum of 19 days, which would be at least the equivalent of the year 1947.

But remember… In 2018, two heat waves were recorded, from July 13 to 27 and from July 29 to August 7. It is only because on July 28 the 25.0°C mark was barely exceeded by a day that we cannot speak of a record heat wave for this year- there.

#Weather #Belgium #official #p.m #experiencing #heat #wave #record

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