the home remedy to eliminate them quickly

Over time, the appearance of the neck normally changes and the loss of muscle tone and thinning of the skin give a sagging or sagging appearance, which is known as wrinkles, due to the low production of collagen, a protein that It provides said elasticity and tension to the skin.

It is worth mentioning that to a certain extent wrinkles cannot be avoided. However, sun exposure and tobacco use probably makes them develop more quickly.

For this reason, the portal Jerybaby makes known several tricks that help with the care of the neck and with the wrinkles that appear in it.

skin treatments

Aloe vera: It is one of the plants that contains the most benefits for health, and is constantly used for aesthetics, because one of the important benefits of aloe vera is that it moisturizes the skin. Likewise, it is recommended to apply directly with the pulp constantly offered by the leaves with gentle massages, with the aim that the neck absorbs the aloe vera gel.

Hyaluronic acid: it is a natural part of the body, responsible for retaining moisture in the skin; however, over time that part of the body decreases, which is why it is recommended to implement a liquid body substance or a cream with mucopolysaccharides, which are sugar molecules found throughout the body, according to the portal Medline Plus.

Exercise routine

Constant exercise can tone the neck and provide the necessary strength and tension of the skin, which are quite basic routines and are the following:

  • Place the lips in an “o” shape and move them in different facets different from the face, doing many repetitions, resting for a long time.
  • Keep your jaw up, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, then smile and swallow.

  • Keep your tongue out for a minute.
  • Raise your head looking towards the ceiling, stretching your jaw together with your lips in an “o” shape, trying to go up for a period of seconds and repeating constantly.

Finally, Before applying this type of home remedies, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

Tips for healthy skin

A healthy lifestyle is the key to maintaining youthful skin and preventing the formation of fine lines at an early age. It is also important to avoid stains and other skin conditions.

Therefore, the portal better with health mentions some recommendations to take into account if you want to avoid the appearance of premature wrinkles and have healthy skin:

1. Balanced diet: taking care of the diet is one of the main keys to taking care of the appearance of the skin. A balanced diet, in addition to contributing to it, benefits the whole body.

2. Avoid harmful exposures: Exposure to ultraviolet rays and pollutants such as cigarette smoke, either directly or indirectly, should be avoided.

3. Sleep: Resting at least eight hours is what helps our body recover and repair itself. When you sleep, the body continues to work and concentrates on collagen production.

4. Do exercise: training and physical activity help the body improve its blood circulation and synthesize collagen production.

5. Perform massages: Aloe vera masks are a great help for skin care. They provide hydration and reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles.

6. Use blocker: One of the main enemies of good skin condition, especially when it comes to the face, is frequent exposure to the sun without taking into account basic protection recommendations.

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