The Impact of Aging on Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 Absorption: Recognizing the Signs of Deficiency

2023-07-07 18:18:00

Having crossed the line for 50, you may experience a lack of two vitamins that are simply necessary.

The body is hard

Experts from the US National Institutes of Health conducted a study and found that after the age of 50, the body is worse at making up for the lack of vitamin D and vitamin B12.

After careful study, experts have found that with age, the human body is more difficult to absorb certain nutrients. This includes vitamin D, a major immune system booster, and vitamin B12, which regulates metabolism and supports healthy energy production.

Endocrinologist Tatyana Svetlaya recalled that with age, some people experience a decrease in the production of stomach acid, which makes it difficult for them to absorb vitamin B12. In addition, the body is much less efficient at converting sunlight into vitamin D.

As noted by the expert, vitamin D is necessary for the body for strong bones. In addition, it helps to absorb calcium, which is an important bone builder, plays a significant role in proper cell growth, and also reduces inflammation that causes various diseases.

What to look out for

The body will signal a lack of vitamin D with the following symptoms:

excessive sweating weakness and fatigue emotional distress, depression weak bones

Signs of vitamin B12 deficiency include:

extreme tiredness and drowsiness memory problems dizziness pale skin
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