The Impact of High Temperatures on Mental Health: Strategies for Coping with Psychiatric Symptoms

2023-07-29 23:15:37

Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, USA, revealed the dangerous effects of high temperatures on mental health and related diseases.

“All mental illness increases with temperature because it leads to more fatigue, irritability, and anxiety, and can exacerbate depressive episodes,” said Dr.

What is the effect of high temperature on mental health?

• According to a statement issued by the college, high temperatures can cause anger, irritability, aggression, restlessness, stress and fatigue.
• According to Shah, heat acts on serotonin, the neurotransmitter that regulates mood, leading to lower levels of happiness, increased stress and fatigue.
• It can develop into aggressive behavior and mental confusion.
• Climate changes, such as droughts and extreme changes in temperature, can lead to an increase in pollutants and allergens that deteriorate air quality.

What can a person with psychological problems do to cope with the high temperature?

• Shah recommends moisturizing and keeping your head covered outside.
• Pour water over your head to cool off and try to stay in the shade.
• If you usually walk outside, move inside by walking in a mall or large air-conditioned place.
• If you are taking psychiatric medications, consult your doctor, as some medications interact negatively with excessive heat.

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