The Impact of Study Stress and Performance Pressure on Performance-Enhancing Drug Use

2023-11-24 13:02:33

Study stress and pressure to perform

There are many reasons for taking performance-enhancing drugs. This was also the result of a survey among students in 2012. The main reasons are these Combating nervousness, general mental performance, pain relief, and performance and competitive pressure. Most people use these remedies while preparing for exams.

The risk groups include people who cognitively very demanding and are willing to perform, but at the same time feel overwhelmed. Women use performance-enhancing drugs more often than men, and the increased risk is particularly noticeable among 18 to 29 year olds.

However, there is hardly any scientific evidence for the actual improvement of cognitive performance through these means. The data on the effects and side effects is contradictory and there are uncertainties regarding the actual effects.

“There are simply too many people studying the course. In order to get good jobs later, you need a 1.5 average,” he says in an interview. During the semester he only has little time to study alongside university because he still works 20 hours a week. Ritalin helps him stay focused and learn quickly.

#Ritalin #longer #study

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