“Boost Your Concentration and Memory: 5 Essential Habits from a Harvard Nutritional Psychiatrist”

2023-05-26 16:35:42

To improve your ability to concentrate and remember, you need to take care of your brain. For this, Uma Naidoo, nutritional psychiatrist at Harvard, shared her 5 essential habits. They are easy to set up and accessible to anyone!

Pneed to be the day after the evening to have a foggy mind. Sometimes it’s enough to lack of sleep or to be malnourished to feel difficulty concentrating or to remember certain things. Fortunately, there are different simple ways to be put in place for to guard against it. This is what Dr. Uma Naidoo, nutritional psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, explained to our colleagues at CNBC. This professor, who carries out research in neuroscience, gave what were her 5 habits to boost your concentration and his memory. And there is nothing rocket science.

1. Do not eat foods that are too sweet or fried

As with smoking, it is better to never have started. Because eating (very) sugary foods is addictive ! However, eliminating them from our diet would have many benefits for our brain according to Uma Naidoo. On a daily basis, she prohibit this food and justifies itself to CNBC : “and too sweet diet can cause excess glucose in the brain. That reduces hippocampal plasticity and causes disorders of the memoryas shown by different studies.”

The specialist also avoids all fried foods. If there is a link between them and depression, it has been proven that a over frying can cause inflammation and cause damage the blood vessels that irrigate the brain. What decreases our ability to learn and our memory. Instead, the psychiatrist recommends eating foods rich in luteolin, which will boost memory, and in vitamin C, pour “boost” the brain. We find a lot of luteolin in certain plants and vegetables (carrots, rosemary, chamomile, endives, peppers). For the vitamin Cthe specialist advises “the citrus, kiwis et Red peppers“.

2. Always have water on hand

This is a very simple habit to adopt: always bring your water bottle (filled with water, of course). “Since water represents 75% of the mass of the brainstaying hydrated is essential for good cognitive functioning”, specifies the specialist. And for that, it is better tot avoid the sodas and other sugary drinks. Indeed, our brain would always know a little moment of weakness after the influx of sucre.

While it is generally accepted that you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day, the nutritional psychiatrist sees bigger. She thus recommends drinking “two to three times per hour. Or more if you sweat easily.” So you have to hydration become a reflex and for that, nothing better than keeping your water bottle (or bottle of water) close at hand.

On the same subject ⋙ Here are 7 foods to boost your brain capacity
⋙ Concentration disorders: symptoms, causes and solutions

3. Take the time to take a (little) walk outside

And to go for a walk Has benefits for our mental health (and in particular the fact of seeing sunrises or sunsets), it is also essential for our cognitive abilities. In effect, the sunlight is the primary source of vitamin D for our organization. And this famous vitamin, when it is in sufficient quantities in our body, makes it possible to reduce the risk of dementia and the decreases in our cognitive abilities.

It is possible to find vitamin D in foods like oily fish (herring, sardines, salmon, etc.), some mushroomsof the egg yolks or food supplements. But nothing is more effective than the sun. And for that, you don’t need to bask on a Mediterranean beach. “pass at least 10 minutes outside every day provides most of the vitamin D needed,” says Uma Naidoo.

4. Never have a sleep debt

Just a few less hours of sleep per week to experience difficulties in focus. “Plunging us into the fog maybe a way for our body to tell us to rest. Of the research have shown that you have to sleep at least seven hours per nuit to be in shape”, specifies the nutritional psychiatrist.

Taking advantage of the weekend to catch up on all the sleep lost during the week will not be enough. Better adopt a consistent sleep pattern. For this, the expert recommended physical activity which, in addition to its energy boost for the day, allows you toimprove sleep quality and facilitates falling asleep. Otherwise, you can also try this position imagined by NASA and which would help to avoid insomnia.

5. Know how to get out of the spiral of anxiety

For some people, anguish is a small background sound that can easily become deafening in certain situations. Enough to lose one’s mind. “Even the happiest people feel anguish. When this happens, the most important thing is to know how not to lose balance“, assures the Harvard specialist. For this, she recommends refocus and of practice the meditation.

Easier said than done ? Not necessarily since there are different exercises respiration accessible to anyone Who and this immediately (unlike meditation which sometimes requires a little experience). The editorial staff of NEON had compiled 9 breathing exercises very simple for manage your anxiety. For her part, the nutritional psychiatrist recommends the method of Dr. Tara Swart Bieber. It breaks down as follows:

inspire deeply through the nose during five seconds et hold your breathing

– take a quick inspiration -always through the nose- during a second et hold your breath during three seconds

exhale slowly through the mouth six seconds

By repeating this exercise three times in a row, you should already feel better. And be ready to give the best of yourself!

Read also ⋙ 5 tips to overcome your social anxiety and successfully socialize with strangers
⋙ 3 tips from a Harvard-trained psychologist for ending a relationship without meanness
⋙ 3 tips to stop worrying about what others think of you

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