“The Impact of the Pandemic on Young People’s Mental Health: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions”

2023-05-07 08:00:00

The reasons why young people are suffering more mentally than before are complex and multiple, but the 2020 pandemic, among others, has played a major role in the increase in cases of depression, anxiety, behavioral disorders and addiction. , which will continue in 2023.

The consequences of the pandemic highlighted

As more and more studies show, young people and adolescents encounter mental health problems largely linked to the Covid 19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. At this age, the impact of restrictions on social life , at a particularly sensitive time in their development, seems to be continuing 3 years later with a significant increase in consultations with medical and psychological professionals.

The impact of hours on screens

In addition to the current anxiety-provoking context, young people have massively turned to digital to socialize, thus increasing their time of exposure to screens. Social networks can also be a source of stress and pressure for young people exposed to negative messages, cyberbullying and constant social comparison. Certain behavioral disorders (such as ADHD for example), addictions (including eating disorders), anxiety and depression have thus increased significantly and are worrying mental health professionals.

How to help a teenager in distress?

The psychological suffering of adolescents can take different forms, whether it is difficulties at school, sleep or appetite disorders, or even an unexplained change in behavior. Offering to consult a health professional can help you do work to better manage your emotions, develop resilience and deal with difficult situations.

At this age, it is essential to detect and treat mental disorders early by favoring non-pharmacological approaches, if possible, and by supporting the young person both at school and at the family level.

Source : who.int/fr/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/adolescent-mental-health

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