The importance of mental health care for comprehensive well-being | Videos | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

presenter: according to theworld organization ofhealth 90% ofdisease has a beginningpsychosoatic, then take careof our mental health iskey to well-beinga happier and healthier lifefull, the mind exerts anosmart book authorhappy mindfrom érida our with programit’s good that you’re with usthey gave me your bookintelligently happyemphasize the wordmind in the title.>> thanks for the invitation,with great pleasure we enter thetheme to take advantage of time,mint has a roleimportant in our happinessand in our is necessary to understand that forto be happy, we need to beconscious minds.happiness is a pointdirect relationship with takingright decisions that’s whymy book smartly,happy mind what i workthey are punctual exercise challengesthat help our mind tothat they can be trained,to create that well-beinglong term, which is whatWe all seek well-beingnot be ephemeral, but bepermanent and durablepresenter: what I likeit is precisely that it haspractical exercise, leads from thehand now, as we start inthat process of beingintelligently happy mind.?>> there are five pillars that are thewellness and of coursethese exercises at 70, whichI propose yesterday at your disposalof the book, are these fivepillars one of them has tosee, with the positive relationshipthat we are able tobuild, it is important to takenote that while in theas our relationshipsbe positive and be harmoniouswith our well-being, II say how through is also in substantiating theinvolvement, being able toarouse full attention, thefamous to be in the here, in thenow, living in the present,the power to wake upinvolvement in everythingwe make.meditation exercises,breathing, all this iswell-being, all this without leavingate the importance it hasthat is also a direct pactin our well-being, is anotherof work factorsmuch in this book, which I havepresenter: all thatlove what you justmention exactly inbook you also mention thathappiness is learned witheach accon was going, likewe can train ourmind to create happiness everywent despite the difficultiesand problems, about all this>> it is very important thatquestions, because thedepression, anxiety,you are with all this that we haveexperienced globally,people are very tense peopleis afraid and fear is theemotion that intones, or detonates theyou are, and even anger,what do we have to do ?.emotions of power, this isimportant to understand, to knowthat there are emotions of powerthat we can generateproactively, thenthere are 10 emotions of power,what we needlearn to create, to generate andawaken within usthat’s why I say happinesswho learns, mainly ifwe have little ones, yes we havechildren we have to teach them togenerate, these 10 emotions ofpower of which of course

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