The Incredible Benefits of Daily Ginger Consumption: Boost Your Health with Dr. Jamal Shaaban’s Expert Advice

2023-06-20 16:09:40

07:08 PM Tuesday, June 20, 2023

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There is a type of herb that, if taken on a daily basis, will provide the body with an amazing set of benefits, according to Dr. Jamal Shaaban, former dean of the National Heart Institute.

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Shaaban said that the herb he is referring to is ginger, pointing to its multiple therapeutic and preventive uses against many health problems that threaten humans.

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He added that ginger is of particular importance for the health of the heart and blood vessels, and the reason is due to its great ability to reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the risk of clogged arteries.

He explained that ginger plays a major role in strengthening the immune system, because it contains nutrients that make the body more capable of fighting viruses and bacteria.

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The former dean of the Heart Institute confirmed that ginger provides great protection against dehydration in the summer when consumed as a warm drink, because it gives the body the necessary hydration.

Shaaban revealed that arthritis patients can overcome the annoying symptoms they suffer from by eating ginger, adding it to food while cooking, or anointing the area of ​​pain with the oil derived from it, because it contains a high percentage of antioxidants.

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He pointed to the effectiveness of ginger in losing excess weight, by enhancing the metabolism process, in addition to its positive effects on mental health, as it contributes to reducing the risk of depression.

In conclusion, he recommended eating cinnamon with ginger, because the combination of the two enhances the value of the previous benefits.

Also read: 10 damages caused by excessive ginger .. Here is the recommended daily amount

#Benefits #Ginger #Cinnamon #Jamal #Shaaban #explains

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