The indispensable “Porsche” kitchen knife in the Oriental kitchen advertises that it can shoot garlic-International-Liberty Times Newsletter

Recently, Porsche has launched a kitchen knife. Although the price is more expensive than ordinary kitchen knives, it can satisfy the masses who have the “Porsche Dream”. (AFP, extracted from Porsche’s official website, synthesized by this newspaper)

2022/10/15 12:33

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report]Owning a Porsche sports car is the dream of many people, but because of its high price, not everyone can afford it, but recently Porsche has launched a kitchen knife. Although the price is more expensive than ordinary kitchen knives, it can satisfy The masses with the “Porsche Dream”.

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, Porsche recently launched a Chinese-style kitchen knife priced at US$240 (about NT$7,600). The product is called “P22 Chinese Knife”. standard kitchen knife”.

The kitchen knife is currently sold out on the US website, but consumers can still buy it through German or Swiss websites. The Porsche-designed Chinese kitchen knife quickly became a trending topic on China’s Sina Weibo, attracting 160 million views.

Whether this kitchen knife can be used to “shoot garlic” has also become a topic of great concern to consumers. The staff of Porsche Shanghai Design Boutique Sales Company has responded that consumers can use it to shoot garlic, and the specific method of use needs to contact local sales company.

Some netizens wonder why a famous car park suddenly sells kitchen knives. It turns out that the kitchen knife is a product design studio and brand founded by Porsche 911 designer FA Porsche in 1972. It belongs to the Porsche Group with Porsche cars. Their designs include male clothing, watches, sunglasses, etc.

Recently, Porsche has launched a kitchen knife. Although the price is more expensive than ordinary kitchen knives, it can satisfy the masses who have the “Porsche Dream”. (Extracted from Porsche’s official website)

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