The key to facelift safety is accurate, minimal incision

As you get older, the area around your mouth or jawline droops, resulting in nasolabial folds and grumpiness. Furthermore, it can make the face look square or large.

The root cause is a decrease in skin elasticity, and experts say that facelift surgery is effective in improving this. Facelift is a method of exfoliating and pulling the stretched skin and fascia through an incision in front of the ear.

You can get help by lifting the saggy area and making your face look elastic. It is not a light operation, despite the fact that you can get a definite effect.

Hong Jong-Hyun, CEO of Fresh Plastic Surgery[사진]According to , the face has a lot of facial nerves, and as it is an area that is immediately visible, a careful and safe surgical procedure is required.

This is to minimize the size of the incision. The minimal incision simplifies the surgical procedure and can reduce the burden of scarring after surgery. Dr. Hong says, “If the incision is reduced, an incision is made inside the mouth of the grumpy area to remove the protruding part of the liposuction, and a minimal incision is performed below the ear.” The size of the incision depends on the individual circumstances.

The method of face lift surgery also varies from person to person. If the jawline is bumpy, the sagging skin is unclear, or there is a problem with the face shape, mini-elevation surgery is performed instead of overall elevation.

According to Director Hong, efforts must be supported for natural and safe surgery. If you approach indiscriminately without big information such as low prices or before and after photos, you may not be satisfied with the results.

Aftercare is just as important as treatment. Director Hong says, “Facial lift is not the end of surgery, but the face should be fully established through post-care.”

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