The “League of Legends” S13 World Series: Complete Report and Exclusive Coverage by Lin Yanting

2023-12-01 04:22:16

▲ Gumayusi and faker / Reproduced from t1_gumayusi, faker IG

South Korea/ Comprehensive report by Lin Yanting

In the “League of Legends” S13 World Series, the T1 team of the South Korean LCK defeated the WBG team of the Chinese LPL 3:0. The game also allowed star player Faker to successfully win his fourth career championship, which moved many fans. After the game, the players also started live broadcasts to share the game process with fans. Among them, Faker mentioned that he hoped that the champion’s appearance would be better, so that players would be more willing to use it. He then blurted out, “I want Ali to use a big weapon every time.” Whenever I move, Gumayusi’s face appears.”

Picture taken from faker IG

▲ Picture taken from faker IG

The “League of Legends” S13 World Series was won by the T1 team, which moved many fans. In addition, fans are also paying close attention to this “championship look”. T1 players all have ideas, but mid laner Faker is the only one who has the choice. Which hero keeps it secret.

In addition, the style of the design this time will also be controlled by Faker. However, Faker mostly uses classic character styles in the game. Gumayusi also revealed that the team members had discussed their thoughts on the style, and Faker seemed to want to be “hard to understand.” “I don’t know what the style will be like”, which made many netizens very worried, because Faker once cooperated with NIKE and designed a rainbow “Faker” T-shirt, and even joked that “it took 5 minutes to design”, which made many Fans are confused about “God’s beauty”.

Faker also held a live broadcast on the 28th to celebrate the joy of winning the championship with fans, and talked about the design concept with fans. He wanted to make the design look better so that players would be more willing to use it. However, some netizens suggested “Aqi” How about when you use your ultimate move, what comes out instead of a sand soldier is Gumayusi’s face?” This concept seemed to be very popular with Faker. He immediately expressed that it was great, and then he also used his inspiration and said, “Let Ali use his ultimate move every time. Gumayusi’s face was all out when he was moving.” It can be seen that the relationship between the team members is quite good, but it may also make fans who are looking forward to the look sweat.

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Faker talks about “championship style” for the first time: Ali appears with Gumayusi’s face. Fans laugh: God’s beauty… | T-shirts designed by faker/pictures taken from faker IG

T-shirts designed by faker/pictures taken from faker IG

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#Faker #talks #Champion #Style #time #Ali #appears #Gumayusis #face #Fans #laugh #Gods #beauty..

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