The Leaning Tower of Pisa: Unraveling Its Unique Tilt and Fascinating History

2023-08-11 18:13:00

During the 199 years that will take its construction, it was necessary to correct the situation several times to try to straighten the tower, without success. Adding the upper floors, and then the multi-tonne bells, only made the tilt worse. Throughout its history, the campanile got a little closer to the ground, slowly but surely. What to fear a collapse.

But even if we wanted to, we couldn’t actually put the right tower back. As the architects tried to compensate for the slope, it has one side that is larger than the other, which means that straightened up, it would appear crooked to us. It’s actually not really cylindrical, but has a slight banana shape. In any case, no project to straighten the monument is on the agenda. Italian authorities have long considered its tilt to be the reason for its fame, and its inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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