The link to register in Sand 1444 for the unemployed through social insurance

The link to register in Sands 1444 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provides many services that benefit the needy and low-income citizens in the Kingdom, to support the unemployed from the General Organization for Social Insurance to help them find suitable work, in addition to encouraging them to provide opportunities, and Saudi citizens can apply An application in Sanid to the unemployed after agreeing the conditions to know the eligibility for support, and Sand subsidy is disbursed to citizens in the case of male and female unemployment in varying proportions. The citizen worked voluntarily or was fired for moral reasons or anything that belongs to him.

Registration link for Sand 1444

The General Organization for Social Insurance, in cooperation with the Ministry of Human Resources in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, clarified that there are a number of conditions that must be met by citizens in order to register with Sanid before completing the registration process, including:

  • To be a Saudi citizen and permanently residing in the Kingdom.
  • The applicant must be unable to work in any of the offered and available positions.
  • The citizen must have a subscription period that qualifies him to receive subsidy support.
  • If a citizen leaves his job voluntarily, he is not entitled to register with Sand.
  • The citizen should not have any private business.
  • The citizen must not have been dismissed from work for any of the reasons due to him.

The value of SANED support for citizens

The General Organization for Social Insurance explained that the value of the support that citizens receive from Sanid per month varies in its prices, as the value of the support starts from 2,000 Saudi riyals as a minimum and reaches 9,000 Saudi riyals, and the value of the support is 60% of the monthly salary that the citizen received before leaving his job If it worked previously.

Citizens can register for SANED support by following the following steps:

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