The Lost Citayam Fashion Week Phenomenon, Roy’s Source of Sustenance Floats


In the blink of an eye, a phenomenon Citayam Fashion Week completely gone after weeks of excitement. Popular figures in the Upper Dukuh area, like Roy, now they are starting to get confused because the land where they make their paid content is gone. It is undeniable that this area has been Roy’s sustenance land all this time.

Roy, who is now 17 years old, regularly comes to Citayam Fashion Week (CFW) to create content. The content is often the result of collaboration with brands or endorsements. From this activity, Roy earned rupiah coffers starting from IDR 1 million per day up to IDR 5 million.

The money was paid to Roy by various fashion brands. At school age, the income from having fun at his hangout with friends is enough to support the family’s daily life.

Roy admitted in an interview that the money was given to parents to pay rent for the house. Not only that, Roy also used the money to pay for his sister’s education.

“Yes, at least I think for my sister, so I don’t want to be like me,” said Roy on the Rumpi Trans TV YouTube channel.

Roy admitted that he used a small part of the money for the needs of creating content. There is also his intention to create his own fashion brand which he still dreams of.

Roy is now still collecting money for his dream. Although it is very unfortunate that the closure of the Upper Dukuh area and the absence of Citayam Fashion Week have an impact on its income.

Citayam Fashion Week, which is now quiet, has reduced the amount of content he creates. If usually he can create up to three content there, after this phenomenon disbanded, he only produced one content.

“Sometimes I can’t (content) in a day,” admitted Roy, which means there is no income for himself and his family.

Roy said that Dukuh Atas’s euphoria was empty (on the next page)

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