“The Low-Calorie Cheese Guide: 5 Healthy Varieties to Indulge in Moderation”

2023-05-22 19:09:33

Cheese is one of the oldest foods in the world and has been part of our diet for a very long time. From a nutritional point of view, it is interesting because it is rich in proteins and fats, thus providing energy to our body, but it should not be abused. Cheese is also a fermented food, which means it contains bacteria or yeasts that help maintain healthy gut flora.

Cheese to be consumed in moderation

As it is rich in fat, cheese can be difficult to digest, it is also not recommended to eat it in the evening. Comté, raclette, Brillat-Savarin, some are more caloric than others and should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. So, if you are a cheese lover and find it hard to live without, here is the list of the least calorie cheeses to adopt.

The 5 lowest calorie cheeses

1- The cancoillotte is a cheese from Franche-Comté with a melted paste, low in fat and calories. It offers a creamy texture and a delicate flavor. Cancoillotte contains around 90 calories per 100g, making it a great option for those looking to reduce their calorie intake. You can even use it as a substitute for raclette. 2. Fresh goat cheese is less caloric than cheeses made from cow’s milk. It offers a fine and delicate flavor and contains approximately 264 calories per 100 g. 3. The feta is a Greek cheese made from sheep’s and goat’s milk that brings a salty and characteristic flavor to your dishes. You can use it in your salads, but also roast in the oven with vegetables. It contains about 264 calories per 100 g. 4. Mozzarella is ideal for it can be used raw or cooked in many culinary preparations. Opt for cow’s milk mozzarella, which contains around 280 calories per 100g. 5. Cottage cheese is an Italian fresh cheese with a creamy texture and mild taste. It is relatively low in calories with around 174 calories per 100g. When choosing cheese, be sure to stick to the recommended daily servings and eat them in moderation. Note that caloric values ​​may vary slightly between brands and manufacturing methods, so it’s best to check the nutrition label for accurate information.

#top #cheeses #lowest #calories

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