The most important questions about the “old rent” amendments after their ratification.. Quoting a parliamentarian

publish siteparliamentaryThe specialist in legislative and parliamentary affairs reports on him a report entitled “The most important questions about the “old rent” amendments.. When does the contract term for the premises rented for non-residential purposes end?.. and how are the rent increases calculated?

Welcome “parliamentaryLight on several elements regarding the expiry date of these contracts and are there exceptions, and how to calculate the wage increases in light of the presence of two increases of 15% in Law 10/22 and 2 or 1% in Law 14/2001 and whichever applies first, and the judicial jurisdiction to consider the request to terminate these contracts, and the extent of the impact The new law deals with issues currently being discussed, as well as responding to misinterpretations and rumors that have no basis in truth, as the law was issued to legal persons only and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitutional Court.

To read the full report:

The most important questions about the “old rent” amendments.. When does the contract period end for the premises rented for non-residential purposes?.. and how are the rent increases calculated?

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