The most important supplements for mental well-being!

A notice: This article is largely a translation from the T-Nation forums.

body and soul strongly influence each other. Just like we do with our bodies right exercises and the matching nutrients can optimize, there are also nutrients necessary for our mental health are of great importance.

Here are the most important supplementswhich should be considered in this context.

Omega 3 fatty acids

If you have a extensive meta-study of all fish oil research perform, become one trend in mental health discover: fish oils help on several fronts, from depression to cognitive decline.

Advanced psychiatrists even prescribe one for their patients diet rich in fish or fish oil supplements, either as an adjunct to prescription medications or as a precursor to drug treatment. While we cannot say that fish oil is a “cure” for anything, we can say with certainty that it helps minimize existing symptoms and perhaps prevent future problems.

In a recent study, the Effects of stress on omega-3 fatty acids examined. Stress, the associated inflammation, and cortisol spikes are obviously not good for physical and mental health.

In the study, participants who consumed 2.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids were able to suppress damage caused by a stressful eventby increasing cortisol levels and a certain pro-inflammatory protein by 19% and 33% respectively lowered. We can’t prevent stress from arising, however Fish oil appears to reduce the negative effects of stress.

In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, omega-3 fatty acids can also help with cognitive disordersby the increase cell permeability. This permeability makes it possible Serotonin – the “feel good” ingredient that carries messages throughout the brain – the cell membranes of the brain easier to penetrate.

The link to the study!


Science has recently not only found out how positive it is on the heart health affects, but creatine monohydrate can also improve their mood. It might even help Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases to prevent.

New studies show that Creatine appears to help with depression or “depressed mood.”. While most studies have been conducted in people with major depressive disorders and even meth addiction (people with altered brain bioenergetics), it’s fair to say that regular creatine intake is beneficial could play a role in improving or maintaining brain health. (The link to the study!)

In fact, an increase in creatine has been shown to increases mental acuity and the brain’s ability to perform strenuous mental tasks. At least in people who originally had one low creatine levels had.


Recent research has revealed that curcumin can help with depression, both in mild depression and in severe depressive disorders. (The link to the study!)

Curucmin supplementation can have several beneficial effects

How can it? Chronic inflammation has been clearly linked to depression and other mental health problems. In technical jargon, this means that inflammation is a critical factor in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. Curcumin helps keep excess inflammation at bay by scavenging the free radicals that cause it.

Other research is looking at treating schizophrenia with curcumin. And curcumin has even been shown to improve working memory.


In a study conducted between 2015 and 2016was the Effect of magnesium on people suffering from depression examined.

126 peoplewhere one mild to moderate depression was diagnosed, given a bottle of pills. they should one tablet daily take to treat depression.

Two weeks later, half of these people reported themselves a little better to feel. Four weeks later the same people reported that they significantly better felt. Her depression symptoms had receded. The fears had also decreased. And the other half of the group? No improvements at all.

So what’s going on here? Half of them took Magnesium one, while the other half, the control group, a Placebo took.

So is depression a result of magnesium deficiency? It is not as simple as “magnesium cures depression” – although some medical professionals have been making this claim since at least 1967 – but it’s pretty clear that a Magnesium deficiency at least aggravates the problem.

We’ve known for some time that magnesium deficiency is linked to depression, anxiety, and inflammation. However, this is the first randomized clinical trialin which the Magnesium’s ability to reduce or control symptoms of depressionreally has been studied.

All products can also be found in the shop!

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