The new version of Outlook will add Loop technology, and the content can be updated after being sent | iThome

Microsoft announced in November last year Office Loop technology that can update documents and content at any timethis technology is expected to be officially released in June.

Loop technology is a new branding of the Fluid framework that Microsoft has been developing for many years. The technical core of the Fluid framework is to turn various contents of web pages or files, such as text, tables, and pictures into individual components, which can be freely copied and moved to another canvas or workspace, such as chat apps, Meetings, emails, documents, etc. can also be shared with other members of the project almost instantly, and if there is a new version of the component, it can be updated to collaborative documents or emails in real time.

Image source / Microsoft

Following the two Loop components of the voting form and progress status tracker announced by Microsoft last year, Microsoft also announced new components including checklists, bulleted lists, numbered lists, paragraphs, tables, and task lists. The first component that can be used isOutlookas well asTeams chat(As shown below).

Image source / Microsoft

Microsoft 365 BlueprintThe Display Outlook component is expected to be released to preview in May, and to general users in June.

Project members select the Loop component, enter the content, and press “Send” to share it with other members. They can also edit the content and reply. Teams can use these elements to brainstorm, co-edit and synthesize material, @mention someone, and pin or copy and paste ongoing discussions elsewhere. Loop components are automatically stored in OneDrive so they can be searched later on or Teams

The Loop element is expected to be available on Teams chat in November, but Microsoft says that the Loop element will also be available for the Teams channel and other M365 apps in the future.

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