The Nigerian criminal group Black Ax is spreading in Zurich


human traffickingThe Nigerian criminal group Black Ax is spreading in Zurich

The Black Ax forces Nigerian women into prostitution. An investigation by the “NZZ” shows that the criminal network would be active in a Zurich bar.

Women would be lodged illegally above a bar.

20min/Marco Zangger

According to the Federal Office of Police (FedPol), more than a hundred members of Nigerian criminal organizations are currently active in Switzerland. “Nigerian brotherhoods are likely to continue to grow,” FedPol continues. According to a survey by the «NZZ» (paid item)the Nigerian criminal group Black Ax already has a strong presence in Zurich.

This criminal network, active throughout the world, is particularly known for the following crimes: trafficking in human beings, prostitution, bodily harm, money laundering and «romance scam» (editor’s note: either sentimental scam: it is a scam aimed at feigning romantic feelings towards a victim to gain his affection and his confidence to extract money from him).

According to the investigation by our German-speaking colleagues, Nigerian women are illegally housed above a bar in Langstrasse, Zurich, and are forced into prostitution.

Controlled by the “Ladies”

Lured to Europe under false promises by the female members of the Black Axe, these women are caught in a cycle that begins in Nigeria. In a religious ritual called “juju”, a priest cuts their arms, legs and cleavage with a razor blade. They must then swear to fully reimburse the costs – their trip is pre-financed – and to do whatever is asked of them. Those who did not respect the rules would be struck by evil spirits.

Once they arrive at their destination, these women must sell their bodies to repay their loans. According to Stephan Fuchs, co-director of the NGO Trafficked Victim Unit, this could last five to eight years, because their debts generally amount to 60,000 to 80,000 euros (more than 59,000 and 79,000 francs).

Women forced into prostitution are under the control of “Madames” – usually older, former forced prostitutes who have repaid their debt and become pimps. According to the “NZZ”, the “Madames” are not direct members of the Black Ax but are part of the group’s mafia network. It is through him that they receive the money and the false passports for the young women. The group also provides them with houses to hide the girls.

“Under pressure and under control”

Interviewed by ‘NZZ’ Lelia Hunziker, Director of the Women’s Trafficking and Women’s Migration Training Centre, Nigerian women are said to experience abuse with knives, razor blades and even irons. “They report very serious violence that even resulted in death in Nigeria,” she continues. For Lelia Hunziker, it is clear that most of the Nigerians present at Langstrasse in Zurich are “under pressure and under control”.

( Erika Unternahrer/aze)

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