The path of bees between love and annihilation Hassan Madan

2024-01-20 20:08:24

We all know Fairouz’s song “The Way of the Bees,” and we all remember the sweet words of its beginning: “You and I, someday we will stay/ We stop on the border of the plain/ And on the line of the blue sky/ The path of the bees is drawn/ Me and Takiyya leaning at my door. A bee flew early/ It swarmed with the flowers of the forest and began to go on rides/ “The curse means sad and not sad/And the silence of the afternoon breaks the nostalgia,” and Fayrouz insists on the estranged lover: “If you leave me, my love/And you forget me, my love/You keep remembering me and remembering the path of the bees.”

Fairouz presented “The Way of the Bees,” written and composed by the Rahbani brothers, for the first time in the context of the musical “The Keykeeper” in 1972, and then she performed it solo in several concerts. The lyrics of the song make us ask what is meant by the Way of the Bees, which Fairouz urges the beloved not to do. Forget it?

Syrian music researcher Jamal Awad said in a lecture that covered the song: The path of the bee “is like the umbilical cord that connects the bee to her first eternal love, her hive or homeland, to which she always returns without losing her way, no matter how far away.” Awad believes that Fairouz’s song was not satisfied with Drawing “the scene of the bee’s departure in the early morning, which was performed by piano clicks, and even prepared for a monologue, which inspired the state of loneliness expressed by the song’s author,” indicating that the song “begins with an internal monologue that describes the spatial and temporal state of the scene of the bee moving among the flowers of the forest,” to conclude The Rahbani brothers link “the concept of love to what is a universal law. It does not only include human relations, but rather extends to the elements of the entire universe and governs it.”

Perhaps this very conclusion leads us to the alarming prediction, in which scientists brought back to the spotlight a warning issued at the time by the famous scientist Albert Einstein, which stated that if bees disappeared from the earth, it would be the end of the world, and although we have not yet reached the stage of the final disappearance of bees, but Evidence of this has already begun, causing concern to spread among scientists, who confirm that bee colonies have been witnessing a continuous decline for more than half a century, but the pace of this “extinction” has accelerated in the past few years, and specialists warn that bees will disappear forever. By 2035, if action is not taken to radically change the status quo.

The disappearance of bees, whose presence on Earth dates back more than 100 million years, would be an environmental catastrophe for the entire planet. They not only provide honey, but also pollinate three-quarters of all crops, and without bees, humans would have nothing to eat or what to feed their livestock. Hunger will be their fate if they do not return the bees to the path of love and not annihilation.

[email protected]

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