the populations thank Oligui Nguema –

The populations of the Doutsila department marching in support of the President of the Transition DR

The populations of the Doutsila department organized a demonstration on April 1 in Mabanda, the capital, to express their infinite gratitude to the President of the Transition, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, for having granted their request cancellation of the appointment of the special delegate in charge of their local authority.

Indeed, in a petition dated February 22, 2024, nationals of the Doutsila department requested the dismissal of Lamenais Nzigou Manguila, whose Doutsila origins might not be proven and who lacks local roots.

The Doutsilois took the opportunity to call for the candidacy of the President of the Transition in the next presidential election, so that he completes the work of public health begun on August 30, 2023 with “the Liberation Coup”.

The elders of Mabanda visibly happy with the CTRI’s decision © DR

To end their demonstration, they organized a march to invite the Head of State to visit Mabanda during his stay in Nyanga province, as part of the Republican tour. He will thus be able to see for himself the multiple difficulties that his compatriots in Doutsila face on a daily basis, particularly with regard to the road network and health.

Through the voice of their dean, Jean-Pierre Koumba, the Chiefs of the six districts of Mabanda raised the question of the increase in their emoluments, noting that those of the village and canton chiefs were revised upwards by the president of the transition.

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Established as a department in January 1986, Doutsila, which has around 4,500 inhabitants, lives in permanent destitution, without being able to benefit from the exploitation of its numerous forest species. In time, the populations of this agricultural land lived from the production of large quantities of taros and bananas. But the poor state of the road network, which no longer allows the easy flow of products, and the human-wildlife conflict have discouraged goodwill.

Antoine Relaxe

2024-04-13 08:50:12
#populations #Oligui #Nguema

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