The potential for excessive warmth throughout Hajj, the Saudi authorities is busy with preparations – World

On the event of Hajj this yr, greater than 2 million pilgrims will face excessive warmth. The Saudi Meteorological Division has warned on this regard. Based mostly on climate forecasts, the Saudi authorities has targeted on particular measures.

Ayman Ghulam, head of the Saudi Nationwide Heart for Meteorology, says that Hajj is coming in June when it is vitally scorching and the humidity within the environment will increase.

Ayman Ghulam stated in a dialog with the official Al-Arabiya TV channel that in a current workshop, the doable results of warmth throughout Hajj this yr have been mentioned. Through the Hajj, administrative issues associated to foods and drinks contained in the Hajj camps have been additionally reviewed.

Ayman Ghulam stated that the related establishments needs to be absolutely conscious of the climate circumstances so that every one obligatory measures could be taken in time.