the prosecution asked to preserve the body for an autopsy

2023-08-31 22:01:34

After the news of Silvina Luna’s deathat 43 years old, the prosecutor Sandro Abraldes requested to preserve the model’s body”urgently» to perform an autopsy.

In the brief presented by the judicial officer, it was considered “Vital importance» the preservation of the corpse and its custody by the Judicial Morgue «with a view to an imminent autopsy through the Thanatology Service of the Forensic Medical Corps of the National Justice».

The request was made in the context of the case for which, some time ago, Dr. Aníbal Lotocki was sentenced to four years in prisonwho was found guilty of the serious injuries suffered by the deceased model and three other women.

«Among the responsibilities of the criminal process is that of achieving adequate reparation for the victims for the damages caused as a consequence of the punishable act.“Abraldes said in the text.

And he added: “Consequently, the production of the required test measure also becomes imperative, given the projection that -from the scientific field- the conclusions obtained from said autopsy and even complementary studies could have, in health of the other three victims that exist in these actions: Gabriela Nilda Trenchi, Pamela Sosa and Stefanía
Bethlehem Xipolitaxis».

The request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office is contrary to the intention of the family of the modelwho planned, in principle, to bury his remains this Friday in the Pantheon of Actors of the Chacarita Cemetery.

Death of Silvina Luna: the first time she targeted Aníbal Lotocki

The model Silvina Luna had surgery in 2010 with Hannibal Lotocki and at first he denied having touched up his tail and years later he took legal action against the beautician. In November 2018, he had been encouraged to elaborate on it in Mirtha’s Night.

“I feel that ruined my life”, he had affirmed with deep sadness before Mirtha Legrandwithout mentioning his victimizer with his first and last name.

Then, he explained: “The problem was detected in 2013 and from then on I have to consult the doctor every week, take more than one remedy per day.”

Con health already deterioratedknowing thatIt would be very complex to fulfill the dream of being a mother, Silvina Luna had revealed: “Anything I have I relate to that.”

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