The rally of the Polish union raises passions: Ukrainians are outraged that refugee children are being used

Information about upcoming marches and rallies is published by the Lithuanian Polish Election Campaign-Union of Christian Families on the web page. We invite you to participate loudly – “If we are silent today, tomorrow may be too late”.

The accent is also on Ukrainian children

The announcement states that “In Lithuania, education of national minorities has been provided in three languages ​​- Polish, Russian and Belarusian” for many years: “For the past two years, due to the war in Ukraine, schools for national minorities have become very necessary: ​​considering the similarity of Slavic languages, Ukrainian children choose to study in these in schools, so some of them are simply overcrowded.

But not everyone likes the popularity of minority schools. Their opponents, in order to please their nationalist electorate (which is a pre-election move), artificially create problems.”

The Minister of Education, Science and Sports Gintautas Jakštas, who very recently had to clarify whether it is really desirable to gradually close schools with the Russian language of instruction, and the Vice Mayor of Vilnius Arūnas Šileris, whose speech in schools and communication style have been the subject of scandals, are also mentioned here.

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#rally #Polish #union #raises #passions #Ukrainians #outraged #refugee #children
2024-04-04 13:17:49

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