The route that will avoid the loss of two million liters of milk per year registers 41% progress

Asunción, IP Agency.- The solution for the loss of two million liters of milk per year in the Central Chaco is becoming more concrete with the rehabilitation and maintenance works of the Coronel Francisco Brizuela district route, better known as Ruta de la Leche, whose average progress is 41% in the three lots awarded.

Block 1, in charge of the Consorcio Vías de Occidente (Vialtec SA and Heisecke SA), has an executed progress of 18.49% at the end of March. This lot includes 64.76 km of asphalt, the section Cruce de los Pioneros – Paratodo, (48.4 km) and the accesses to Santa Cecilia (10.63 km) and Lolita (5.73 km).

Lot 2, responsibility of the Central Chaco Consortium (Benito Roggio and Hijos SA and LT SA), progressed to date by 42.85%. The same covers from Cruce de los Pioneros – Paratodo from km 48.4, including the section Paratodo to Cruce Douglas, from km 5.1, the access to Campo Aceval and the section Campo Aceval – Cruce Infante Ávalos Sánchez, from the km 0 to km 29.5 adding so 71.47 km.

Block 3, owned by Constructora Tecnología del Sur SAE, has a cumulative execution of 62%. It includes basic works in the sections from Paratodo to Cruce Douglas and from Cruce Jordán to Cruce Infante Ávalos Sánchez (52 km), reported the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC).

Photo: MOPC

All of this represents an investment of around USD 130 million and is part of the Program for the Improvement and Conservation of Agroindustrial Corridors (Western Region).

This amount contemplates the paving of about 135 km of the Coronel Francisco Brizuela district route, better known as the Ruta de la Leche, from Cruce Pioneros to Cruce Douglas, in addition to the accesses to the different localities, foreseeing interventions to improve characteristics techniques of the existing road, bridges, adaptation of embankments and works of art to critical hydrological conditions.

Improving the passability of these roads in the Central Chaco is vital because they connect production areas, mainly in the dairy basin, with industrialization and consumption areas.

With the Ruta de la Leche, the administrative costs originated from the routine and periodic maintenance of the roads will decrease, favoring investment in new infrastructure.

lost production

It is estimated that approximately two million liters of milk are lost per year exclusively due to the poor state of the roads. With these figures, added to the growth restrictions due to the lack of adequate infrastructure, the milk processing plant is idle at 50% of its total capacity.

The intervention of the MOPC in this way projects solutions to the problem of internal and external connectivity that affects the Western Region of the country, by means of the improvement of the physical infrastructure and the increase in the transitability and efficiency of land transport of cargo, which are part of of an integrated investment plan with private sector participation strategies.

This project will directly benefit 59,849 people (31,225 men and 28,623 women), who are part of the population settled within the area of ​​influence of the project and in those districts that have this route as the only communication alternative.

Likewise, it will promote productive diversification and, in turn, the efficiency of the land road transport system.

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