The science of robotics for the benefit of human health

  • The use of robotics in the medical field allows a high level of assistance to patients.

Robotics is a discipline that mostly makes use of some branches of engineering and other disciplines to be able to create, design and operate autonomous machines. These machines are also called robots who can work thanks to the development of commands that benefit their actions around a specific job such as health.

The mission of robotics is to create tools that most of the tasks that we humans perform today in a more efficient and faster way.

Evolution of machines.

The first functional robots were created in the 50’s and 60’s that were dedicated to simple industrial tasks.

In 1971 the Russians (Soviets) used the first robot dedicated to space exploration, they lost contact with it as soon as it landed at its destination. The Americans did the same in 1976 with Viking I, thus demonstrating the great exploration capacity of robots.

It was not until 2011 in Japan that the first bipedal humanoid robot called ASIMO His great capacity for interaction with humans was highlighted in his presentation.

In 2015 appeared Sophiaa robot with a realistic human appearance, designed to adapt to the social environment with humans, is capable of remembering, recognizing faces and simulating facial expressions.

Robots in medicine.

Robotics in medicine has focused on the creation of tools that can allow remote operations, controlled by specialized medical software, with a very high rate of precision, through arms and other robotic tools.

Some of these robots are:

Da Vinci

The Da Vinci is a machine that blurs the line between robot and medical tool, as the device is always under the full control of the surgeon.

With da Vinci, some types of operations can be performed with just a few small incisions and with the utmost precision, which means less bleeding, faster healing, and reduced risk of infection.

exoskeletonsExoskeletons for walking.  The present of neurorehabilitation - Rebiotex

They are being used to help paralyzed people walk again, they can also be useful to correct malformations or for rehabilitation after brain or spinal cord injury.

Most of these exoskeletons work through a combination of user input and preset movements.

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These robots have the function of being companions for people who spend most of their time alone, such as the elderly or people with mental disabilities.

Complementary robots solve part of the problem about the lack of professional caregivers who can support people with chronic loneliness, they also have the ability to communicate with emergencies if required.

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